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izuku sobbed on the floor after hearing all might's words, "you can become a hero too." he had started training at takoba municipal beach park, which had been a trash dump until he cleaned it all. before and after training, he looked around for the pink haired man that helped him save kacchan, but he was nowhere to be seen. he had so many questions— what was his quirk? how did he know about his and kacchan's relationship? why did he help save him? who was he?

he sighed as he walked to a convenience store, and that was when he found a familiar pink haired person paying for a stack of coffee jellies. he recognized him immediately, and ran to go ask him all of the questions he'd kept in.


his head snapped towards him, and before he could react izuku asked a flood of questions. "who are you? why did you save kacchan? how do you know about us?"

the man sighed and glared at him. "my name is saiki kusuo," he paused shortly to take of a ring he'd been wearing and continued, "my quirk is telepathy and i thought i could help with a kid getting held hostage around heroes who were doing absolutely nothing."

that explained it. wait, if his quirk was telepathy, how'd he save kacchan?

"i didn't do anything but send messages to the villain inside his mind."

that's actually smart... he's a really good person for doing something, especially when all of the heroes weren't doing anything at all. wait, is he reading his mind right now?

"you should become a hero! or an underground hero, at least. you're really smart, and you have a suitable quirk for it!" he could see he had a considering look on his face, but he was still thinking about it. "are you applying for u.a?"

saiki was silent, like it was a giant decision for him. izuku understands why, but he'd say yes without a doubt. he probably has his reasons on why he doesn't or does want to become a hero, and that's none of izuku's business.

during the long, awkward silence, izuku was wondering about his quirk. how did it work? wait, can he read his mind right now, or is there an invention that can stop him from using it? maybe the glasses? or the antennas? his quirk would be really useful, especially for hearing cries of help, verbally or mentally. to izuku's surprise, saiki said that he is looking forward to becoming a hero.


kusuo sighed after a while of thinking. he had nothing else to do with his life, there was no way at all he could die. might as well spend it on saving people. midoriya's idea was actually a good one, he could become an underground hero to not gain any attention. if he attended u.a, he'd just ignore anyone who tried to make friends with him.

'i guess. i'll become an underground hero.' he told him as he watched midoriya's face light up

"that's great!! i'll see you at the entrance exams!"

after a while of sitting in an alley, kusuo realized he'd need a passport and his quirk had to be registered. he could use his old one, but that was already over seventy years ago when he decided to just keep his identity a secret. oh well, he'll just make one for himself and add his information to all government files. he did some research, and it turns out that the entrance exam is in a couple hours. well, he better go now.

he registered his name and quirk, and with telepathy he found out that to pass, you needed to get a certain amount of points by destroying robots. crap, if his "quirk" was telepathy, then how would he be able to destroy them? he could just destroy the occasional robot and save others from them, since saving people also give you points. none of the others know that, though.

he walked into the giant stadium, and it was loud as hell. kusuo sighed as he put on his germanium ring. he's had that ring since his first lifetime, it's a wonder it still works. no matter how much his powers grew, the ring still kept his telepathy off.

after present mic, who he's most likely met before when he was a teenager himself, explained the rules of the entrance exam and how it works, he noticed midoriya, who was a few rows above him on the right. he heard president mic wish everyone the best of luck, and that the exam will start now.

kusuo started by saving a girl from a robot, and then made it explode with his powers. he made sure to not destroy too much, so that he wouldn't be at the top and the center of attention. he saw the kid he had saved from the sludge villain and even passed by him once, but he didn't notice. he saw a bunch of people running away in the same direction, and there was a giant robot. he noticed a girl, the same girl he had talked to at the store, stuck and was about to get crushed by the robot, but then he saw midoriya use his newfound quirk to save her. that kid has a really good heart, doesn't he?

after the exam, he walked out of the building. there was no place exactly that he was going to, since he didn't have a home anymore, but he went to a nearby alley and ate. he needed to pick up his invitation tomorrow. for his address, he had put an abandoned house that no one really lived in anymore, so he stayed there for the night.

after getting his invitation, kusuo waited boringly until he needed to attend classes. the past few events and the sludge villain event from a year ago were really exciting, he hadn't gotten that much action in a while. all he really did was eat and sleep, he didn't have anywhere to go anymore. the last person he had really been close to was yumehara's daughter. since all of them knew about his powers by then, including his immortality, she asked him to take care of her children when she was gone.

he had tried dying, a bunch of times. kusuke even tried to help him by leaving him a notebook full of information about his powers, but they were no use. he'd come to finally accept it.

he walked to his new class, seeing a bunch of students. he earned a glare from bakugou when he noticed he'd walked in, great. he'd finally recognized him now.

he went to his desk, seat number six, in front of a boy with black lightning strike on his yellow hair. he quietly looked around and some of the students' appearances and personalities were a lot like his old friends. he noticed a spiky, determined and confident redhead who reminded him a lot like hario. he saw a pink-skinned girl with yellow horns with a cheery personality, and a bright smile who reminded him a lot like aiura.

he sat quietly in his seat until pro-hero eraserhead got out of his yellow sleeping bag.

"if you're here to make friends, then you can step out of that door."

kusuo sighed internally as eraserhead kept talking. this was going to be a long day

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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