Chapter 1

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"Help!" I shouted desperately as I tried and failed once again to get out of the janitors closet. How did I get here? You may ask. Simple Nash. I guess I might as well explain myself given we have some time till I'm found.

My name is Natalie and I am 17 and in my Senior year at North Carolina High. I have red hair and my best friend is Maddy she has blonde hair.

I've been at war with Nash since I was born literally, I learned quickly to hate the Grier's from my family. Plus they make it hard to like them with all the pranks, name calling, and so much more. But my family isn't any better.

Everything is a competition with our family's even names. They named their first son Will so my parents named my brother Walter. He's Will's age. Then they both had another child. The Grier's names their son Nash so I became Natalie. Then Hayes and my sister Hayley, And lastly Skylynn and my brother Skylar.

So anyways back to how I got in the Janitors closet. I walked into the school this morning early like always and then I felt two strong arms pick me up and push me in here.

I can't get out because the inside doesn't have a handle, I have no clue why. Since we are early no one is here to help me get out so I have to wait until the Janitor comes. I'm so getting him back.

Suddenly I heard a turn of a doorknob and smiled. The Janitor opened the door and I ran out throwing my hands in the air. "Freedom!" I yelled. Gary the janitor smiled. "Ah another prank pulled by Nash?" He asked.

I nodded everyone in the whole city knows about The Wilson's Vs Grier's War. Heck the janitor went to this school and also witnessed our parents war for years.

"I'll get him back." I said. He nodded. "I can't wait to see what you do." He said patting my back as I walked away I nodded happily.

I walked to my locker and put my stuff in it. "How was the closet?" Nash asked coming up behind me. "I'll get you back Grier." I said glaring at him. He glared back, "Have fun with that, you won't be able to surprise me I will outrun and miss anything you try to do." He said smiling and making an emphasis on the word try.

I just glared at him again. He glared back. Then we just stood there glaring at each other. "Got anything to say Wilson?" He asked. "Ya can't wait to beat you to English." I said running. We both have first period together and always see who can get there first.

"Hey!" He yelled running as fast as he could. He started to catch up to me so I sped up and took a shortcut. I reached Mrs.Collin's class panting heavily. Mrs.Collin is a petite mid 30 year old. She is very nice and always cheerful. She's my favorite teacher. I sat down in my desk and soon kids started to come in class.

Nash sat down and glared at me I smiled and he just rolled his eyes looking back towards his friend behind him. "Hey girl!" Maddy said sitting next to me. I smiled and said hey. Mrs.Collin let us pick our own seats so we sit together.

While Nash and I sit as far away as possible. "Good morning class." Mrs.Collin said. Good mornings filled the air but they weren't as cheerful as Mrs.Collin, they were bored voices.

Yet she still smiled happily. "So today we will be starting an English project." She said. Everyone listened wondering what it would be. As she explained it friends started giving each other the stare.

We all know what the stare is. It's the one where a teacher is announcing a group project and you stare at them pretty much saying, "You and I." Then they nod and it's settled. Maddy and I did it then Mrs.Collin said 6 words we all dread. "I will be picking your partners."

We all groaned. "Sara and Darcy." "Kate and Violet." "Shawn and Jessica." She began then just to make things worse she said 3 words only Nash and I could hate. "Nash and Natalie." She said. My stomach dropped and I stared coldy at Nash. He smiled.

"Hey partner!" He said pretending like he enjoyed this just to make me mad. We sat down and I turned to him. "Before we start I have some rules." I said. "Fine, but if I have to agree to yours you have to agree to mine." He said.

"Fine." I said sighing. "1. You will not prank me during this project or mess up anything for this project, 2. We will both do our share of work, lastly 3. I will not fail this project so you will work hard and meet me at the time and place for us to do this project."

I said sternly. This project was to be done in class and after and it's due next Friday. He nodded. "Now my turn we will not work at each other's houses that causes issues and you will not be able to prank me either, Lastly don't be so bossy it gets annoying." he said. I rolled my eyes but nodded. Not wanting to argue.

Our project was we had to make a book using drawings, words, letters, anything and everything. It was kinda stupid but I guess it could have been better if I was with anyone but Nash. Seriously I would even rather be with Zack and he picks his nose!

After we decided on some things about our book the bell rang and I ran out. 2nd period through 5th period flew by and before I knew it I was in my 6th period class getting hit on the head with a football. P.E is my last period and sadly I have it with Nash who enjoys throwing things at my head.

"Grier drop and give me 20!" Coach Carson yelled. I laughed as he dropped on the floor and did his push ups. Coach Carson is a 40 year old bald man. He's the toughest guy you will ever meet. He's scary and is hard on us. If you make him mad you will regret it.

I looked over at my partner for football who reached his hand into his pocket and crunched on a Dorito. I stared at him. Oh no. "Robinson what's in your pocket?!" Coach yelled. Martin widened his eyes.

"N-Nothing Coach." He nervously said. "Really?" Coach asked. He nodded. "Then you wouldn't mind turning your pockets out?" He asked. He shook his head.

Martin reached in his pocket and turned it out. The Dorito bag fell out and landed on the grass. The whole class "oohed" and listened for his harsh punishment.

"Robinson run around the track 10 times plus 5 more for littering on my grass!" He yelled. "But-" he argued. Coach cut him off, "Wanna make it 20?" Martin shook his head and ran around the track.

I sighed now I don't have a partner for football. "Wilson!" Coach yelled. I ran up to him and saw Nash. We glared at each other. "Since Nash's partner isn't here today and Natalie's partner is doing laps you will be partners." He said his big loud voice echoing against the field.

Everyone stated at us knowing this wouldn't be good. We grunted and rolled our eyes. We ran out to the field and stared to pass the ball to each other. "Hey butterfingers catch the ball would ya?" Nash said annoyingly. I rolled my eyes. "Fine Grier." I said coldly.

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