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Hello hello!
Thank you for clicking this story! (If you did it by accident, then, well, hello to you too!)

Just to remind you, this is a Ray x Non-binary!Reader if you're not sure if it is or not-

Aand also, some chapters will be REALLY long (At least for me) since each chapter will contain each of the episodes in TPN
(Example, Chapter 1 will contain Episode 1, chapter 2 will contain Episode 2, etc)

This story takes time at The Promised Neverland Season 1, from Episode 1-12 :>

Anyways, when you see this:


It was a time skip!
It will tell the time depending on how long it is! Like when it's short, it will be like a minute time skip, or when it's long it will be hours, days and week time skip!

Here are some things I gave (Name), or the reader, or rather YOU in this story!

• (Name) have a kind and calm personality, though they can be cheerful or chaotic sometimes as well!

• (Name) goes by They/Them pronouns since they're a Non-binary. Though, they were born as a girl!
(That's probably not how it works, so sorry for that since I don't have that much knowledge of the LGBTQ+ community), but it's mainly for the sake of this story :>

• (Name) wears an eye patch to cover their right eye, you will know the reason in the story!

(Name) is short comparing to Ray, but they have the same height as Emma!

• (Name) will be wearing the same uniform as Emma!
Some of you maybe don't like wearing skirts like me, but we were born as a girl in this story

• (Name) can see an Aura of a person. For example, Ray have a dark Purple for his Aura and gave out a calm vibe, while Emma have bright yellow for her Aura and gave out a happy vibe! And sometimes, if they focus enough, they can know what the people were thinking just by their Aura!

• (Name) may not be so smart as Norman and Ray, nor really athletic as Emma, but their ability are close to the three of them!

• (Name) tends to forget about things easily, but their seriousness in studying and their imagination make them often take the right answer and choices!

• (Name) is a Light sleeper-
(Sorry if you're not-)

Aand I guess that's all that I gave YOU in this story!

If you don't like any of those, then you can change it on your own! But those stuff were the one that will appear on the story-

You can choose The number on your neck on your own! since It's not that Important anyway-

Aand besides from all I've gave the YOU in this story, you can choose any other detail of YOU on your own!!

Thank you, and enjoy (Or not) the story!! :D

- V

•~{ Eye }~• Ray x Reader •~ TPN ~• [On Hold] •~Where stories live. Discover now