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(Thank you Pennyplays-robloxs  for the first to vote this chapter!)

"Now we need to investigate-"

"What's outside."
The three of them said together, you smile at their usual thinking the same thing.

"We know what's going on inside the house, more or less. The training's going well, and the transmitters can be destroyed too."
Ray said looking at everyone who's in the room.

"If we can get some info about what's outside, and use it to outwit the adults, we can make it over the wall."
He continues, sitting down at the bed.

It'll be hard

V said making you sigh quitely.

I mean, in here we've been raised to be demons food, then what could the outside be like.

"After that, we need to scout escape routes."
Emma said, snapping you back to reality.

"To recap, and to explain it to (Name) since they already know the truth, there are three phases to escape the plan."
Norman said as Emma look at you, surprise that you knew. You just give her a closed eye smile.

"One, get out of here by crossing the wall. Two, make a successful gateway from this farm. Three, set up an independent, stable life in the outside world."
Norman list out the escape plan as you nod, gesturing you understand it.

"Right now, we only have a good idea how phase one will go. Next comes phase two, the outside becomes a factor."
Norman continues his explanation.

"We have to shake off all pursuers and make a safe gateway from the farm. And for that, we must do our homework."

"First, we need to know what lies directly outside this farm."
Ray stated making everyone look at him.

"Oh, when I climbed that tree, I saw a forest on the other side of the wall."
Emma raise her hand making you sweatdrop.


That's Emma to you

"Yeah, we need more information than that."
Ray stated making Emma smile sheepishly.

"We'll start investigating as soon as tomorrow."
Norman says making everyone nod.

"If this discussion is done, can we go to the library?"
You interupt, everyone look at you.

"Someone introduce me to this person, I think you'll like him."
You continues with a small smirk.


"Alright! Here it is."
You said when you finally find one of the books you read yesterday and show it to the three.

"William, Minerva."
Norman read the name of the writer out loud.

"Oh! I was about to tell you guys about that as well."
Emma said when you handed the book to Norman and got down from the ladder.

"When I read this book, I thought he might be an ally. But I'm still not sure."
You said, still not sure.

"Well, I think he is an ally!"
Emma exclaim, smiling brightly.

"What do you mean?"
Norman ask.

"This guy's been sending messages through his books."
Emma explain.

"Not just with one or two, he put a whole bunch of them."
You continues her explanation with a smile, but then your smile flatter a bit.

Why do I have...a bad feeling about what Don and Gilda are doing right now...

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