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(Thank you Pennyplays-robloxs for voting the first on this chapter!)

You look at Mama showing Sister Krone her new room. You were doing your chores, sweeping down the hallway.

"Her room is at the worst possible place."
You muttered, and then softly sigh.

You heard someone called you, you look up to see that it was Mama. You smile and walk towards her.

"Ne, Mama. Do you need something, or maybe ask me something?"
You ask the same thing when people called for you.

"Can you sweep Sister Krone new room a bit? It seems there's still some dust in here."
She said looking at the room.

"Mhm! I will!"
You said smiling at her, she smile at you as well and patted your head. You got in the room and sweep some of the dust, then you notice a doll on the bed. You look towards it and almost gasp.

Is that...A baby human?- Oh wait no, silly me.

You sigh out of relief, but something from the doll making it hard for you to focus. You look at it again, but immediately focus on cleaning again.

...I can feel a strange aura from that doll...

"Mama, I've finished cleaning the room!"
You said as you step out side, Mama smile at you as well as Sister Krone.

"Arigato, (Name)"
Mama said, patting your head.

"Thank you for cleaning my new room, (Name)!"
Sister said, patting your head as well. You grin up at her since she's really tall.

"It is nice to help! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here, Sister!"
You said making her smile.

"I sincerely will!"
She said, going in her new room.


"Seems like they're talking again..."
You muttered, looking at the oldest children walking towards the house. You look at your lap that have Ray's book on it.

Ray said that we're going to escape...but I had a bad feeling

You heard someone called for you, you look towards them to see Phil and Don waving at you. You smile and stood up, walking towards the two as well as the other children.

"You two need something?"
You ask, Don gave you a smirk and tapped you on the shoulder.

"You're it!"
He said then the children began to run towards the forest. You look at them and then chuckle. You first place Ray's book in the house quickly and then began to search for them.


"Oh come on, it takes a while for Norman to find me, I'm sure it would be harder for (Name)!"
You heard Don exclaim making you giggle.

"Don! You gotta stop screaming like that! You know (Name) can search for our aura's!"
Gilda said, scolding him. You the tapped their shoulder making them scream.

"You two will started to sound like a couple if you keep fighting like that."
You said, teasing them a bit. They both blush madly making you laugh.

You wave at them as they started to walk towards the field again. You look around and found the last person. You quietly walk towards them and pick them up.

"I got you Phil!"
You said, making him laugh.

"Aww you got me!"
He said smiling cutely at you, you smile at him and hug him.

"You're so cute you know that!!"
You said, he hug you as well. He then look at you with a questioning look as you two walk towards the field.

"Sis, do you know why Emma always sad?"
He ask making you look at him with a blush since he called you Sis, you smile and ruffle his hair, still carrying him.

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