Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8



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⚠️ TW ⚠️

Wanda's POV

Quinn still hasn't woken up since her spiral in the cell, Bruce sedated her and now she was in the medbay of the compound. The powerdamening cuffs were too restrictive for the doctor to monitor her and administer needed medication so Tony had Peter whip up some bracelets that would work the same as the cuffs, but were less clunky.

She laid there peacefully, sleeping the hours away. I'm not entirely sure what happened back in the cell. I will admit that Stark was going too hard, pushing too much, but she cracked like there was a dam of water already built up. I couldn't see or hear what was going on in her head after she started to break down, it was like a wall of darkness came up, shutting me out, and I don't think it was intentional. But a part of me could still feel her, her fear, her pain, her trauma, and a little bit of confusion. She felt so lost in a sea of nothingness, hopeless and gone.

The way she acted once her spiral started, it was like she knew it was coming, how to cut it short, as soon as I saw her pressing into her leg I knew what she needed. I still can't wipe the image of Natasha being startled from my tone, yelling at Bruce, everyone was stunned, not just at my behavior, but Quinn's too.

It was like a flash erupted before them, seeing just a scared girl that was subject to the will of her mind, her powers. There was this silent acknowledgement after she finally passed out in mine and Natasha's arms, a look we all gave Tony and each other, 'Don't push her like that again.'

It wasn't that we were scared of her, but we were scared for her. Something was missing, a part of her story that we didn't know. We just needed to go about it in a more delicate way to figure it out.

The sound of the medbay door sliding open grabs my attention. A devilish smirk and a mess of red hair walks in, Natasha. 

"How's the patient, nurse Wanda?" Her words are joking, but I can detect a hint of a flirtatious tone behind them.

I flick my brows up at her, "Nurse? Didn't know you had a thing for roleplay, Tasha."

Her face burns bright red at my comment, halting her moments over toward Quinn and I. "I-I-I uh" She lets out a shaky breath, "I just came in here to see if she was awake." She turns her gaze to the brunette in the hospital bed.

"Nope, still passed out." I smile lightly before turning to the book I had neglected to my thoughts, opening up to the page I left off on. I could feel Natasha lingering, walking to the other side of the bed, looking down on the girl.

"Bucky said she was in the RedRoom for a time, he didn't know the details, but she was there." Natasha says solemnly.

I close the book again, making eye contact with the Russian, "And you feel obligated to help her because she might have endured some of the same things you and Yelena have?"

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