Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14


CW : Fighting, blood, drug use

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CW : Fighting, blood, drug use

Character's POV

I wasn't sure what time it was or if I even really got any sleep before I was abruptly annoyed by the sound of loud banging at my door.

"Quinn! You've got training this morning, get down to the gym!" Yelena yelled and then I heard the muffled but clear enough voice of Kate.

"When you said you'd wake her up, I thought you'd do it in a nice way, not slamming your fists against the door!"

I heard the signature blonde's scoff, "That was me being nice!"

Kate grumbled and they both started away from the door, probably heading to the training room as well.

I huff, wiping the sleep from my eyes, or lack thereof and jumped out of bed, throwing on a black t-shirt and joggers before departing for the morning training session that I feel like I was neglected to be told about.

I stagger into the room, looking around at everyone occupied. Steve was in the boxing ring with Sam, while Bucky hung from the ropes on the outside, watching his bestfriends. Clint and Kate were on a platform to the right shooting arrows from what looked to be holographic bows, what the fuck good does that do? I widen my eyes, rolling them as I continue to look around. Wanda was walking around like she was monitoring but never strayed too far from Natasha who was again, sparring with Yelena on a mat in the center of the room. The rest were yet to be seen, some probably in the lab or doing outdoor training.

"Quinn! You made it!" Kate yelled out, waving like an excited kid.

I chuckled, walking further into the room. Steve hopped down from the boxing ring, walking over towards me. Natasha and Yelena seized their sparring to listen in, Wanda halting her movements as well.

"I don't like being sprung into training, Captain Rogers, a heads up would have been nice." I lowly warn, mostly teasing.

He smiled, putting his hands on his hips, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize till this morning, Romanoff requested to train with you at the last minute."

I peer past him at the redhead, huffing out and then looking back at the tall blond, "She can ask me herself then next time." Something about her and Wanda being the reason I didn't get much sleep last night unravels something in me.

"I'll convey the information." He smiles like he's not sure he'll make it out alive if he does, "Want to warm up?"

I chuckle, "Not sure I'd know how to do those, Captain." I joke, alluding to some of the conversation we had yesterday.

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