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Not a Naturian

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Not a Naturian. She was so close; she wasn't going to be alone anymore. At least not in her head. One moment, she is part of something larger than her worthless, thrown about life. But now she is back to where she started. Alone in a world designed to kill her.

They have chained her to the ground now, thinking it'll stop her from destroying everything around them. She has every chance to get out if she wants, but like yesterday, she refuses to kill. A pathetic excuse of... whatever she's supposed to be. She's weak, and she knows it. She could try fighting her flight or freeze instinct, turn it to fight. But she knows that won't happen, not anytime soon at least. 

The guards Arthur issued to watching her didn't sit inside anymore. They probably begged him to let them sit outside, too terrified of the one creature that wouldn't actually hurt them. She sighs, bent over herself, too scared to lean against the new bars of her cage. They aren't rusted this time. Why wasn't she put in the new cage the first time?

A knock comes on the door, soft and subtle, like a secret. Theresa's body doesn't hesitate to tense up, even though her mind fills with questions. It opens quietly, and only by a little. This can't be Arthur, not at all. There aren't even voices from outside floating into the room. Anxiety digs into Theresa's brow.

Long blonde hair swishes by the side of the open door before a girl quickly vaults around it, leaning against the door to shut it behind her. The girl's eyes squeeze shut as her chest rises rapidly up and down. It's the girl from the window, the one with the smashed vase. Theresa's eyes widen. Her hair is more golden than Arthur's, but they have the same eyes, nose and freckles that dash along her bare arms. Is this his... sister?

She finally opens her eyes, still breathing rapidly. But she steps away from the door now, inching towards the cage. The girl holds Theresa's gaze as she brings her body close to the floor, similar to how Arthur squatted in front of the cage a few hours ago. Or had it been longer? Theresa cocks her head to the side, watching as she kneels on the floor, trying to make her body as small as possible. She's scared too.

"I, uh..." she gulps loudly, squeezing her eyes shut again. "I brought you something to eat," she pushes out in a squeak. 

Theresa continues to stare, eyes dropping to the apple that sits in the girl's palm. An apple.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be cruel sometimes," the girl continues, confirming Theresa's thoughts. She mumbles into her other hand, refusing to look at her now. "My name is Meline. And... and it's my fault you got caught."

For a moment, Theresa thinks she's dreaming. What is this?

"If... If I hadn't of thrown that vase out of my window, then you wouldn't have stopped. I wouldn't have seen you. And... Arthur wouldn't have come to check on me. I'm so sorry."

Theresa can only blink slowly, trying to filter the words, as the girl leans forward, pressing her head to the ground. She's bowing. But why? Words itch at Theresa's tongue, but she keeps her lips sealed.

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