Chapter 3

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We will be there in about 3 hours" Mr Meyers stated after I finally woke up after about 2 hours of sleep.
"I need to tell you about the school first. Everyone controls an element. The most common is water, then fire, then air and lastly nature."
He smiled at me. I returned the smile.
"The school day will be longer but not exactly normal. We will teach you all your normal subjects like math and language in the morning till 2:00 then after that till 5:00 will be element practice. You practice your knowledge of element magic for about half an hour then it's out to the hall."

"The hall is about the size of a large warehouse. The floor is all dirt for growing plants and such. There's a pond in the middle of the hall for water and in each corner there's a fire. Kids with air power don't need anything because air is everywhere. Every other day four students, one of each element, are picked to face each other. They split into pairs of two and they practice using their element in a competitive environment. They have to work with someone else of a different element to beat the other team. The way to beat someone is to knock them down and keep them down for 5 seconds. You can't injure anyone. If you do you get detention instead of element practice the next day, trust me you will look forward to your time in the hall and will not want to miss it"

"Where do we sleep? When do we eat? What do we do after schools over?" I questioned

He laughed "you'll be fine Lyra"

"What am I going to do after school though? Is there a library because I usually read most of the time"

"You'll probably hang around with your friends"

"Ya right, I'm sure my friends and I will have a great time" I said sarcastically "I don't have friends"

"You'll make some"

"I can't do that either"

"Yes you can, you'll make great frien-"

"No I won't" I interrupted

I turned away and looked out the window. I can't wait to fail at friendship again I thought.


I hadn't realized I dosed off,


Until I felt Mr Meyers shake me.

"We're here Lyra. Come on wake up."

The sun was setting when we climbed out of the car and the sky was lit up with different shades of reds, oranges, yellows and pinks. We were in a clearing in a forest and in front of us was a gaping entrance to a cave. It was very dark but I noticed that there was a slight glow coming from the tunnel.

"Come on, move along, we have light"

Mrs. Winchester who had been in the front seat if the car stepped out and her hands started to smoke and then bright fire burned in her hands. It's kinda hilarious how perfect her powers match her personality.

"Let's go" she said briskly

Walls of stone closed around us and made me wonder how this was a school. As we walked deeper into the cave we had to rely on the the light from Mrs. Winchesters fiery hands until it started getting brighter. Instead of the yellow glow from the fire, white light came from ahead. At the end of the tunnel were big double doors, as in towers over our heads kinda doors! Above it was a light which explains what the white light came from.

Mr Meyers typed a code into a panel at the side of the doors. The doors slid open and a whole new world opened up in front of me.

Let me just say it was quite the world.

"Welcome to Aliquid, Lyra" Mrs Winchester announced

The cave we were in widened out into a huge cavern with arching ceilings made of solid rock. The floor was all cobblestone and in the middle was a fountain surrounded by multicolored flowers. Small twinkling lights on the ceiling lit up the cavern and shimmered across the surface of the water in the fountain. Tables dotted the floor but instead of umbrellas in the center of them, there were trees. On the far end of the cave was a sort of food court with different booths for different foods.

On the sides of the cavern, smaller caves were carved into the walls with staircases spiraling up to them. I counted 8 caves in total, 2 for each element. For the water caves, a waterfall cascaded down the back of them and filled a trench around the outer walls. A semi circle couch wrapped around the inner side of the water lining. The fire caves were cozy and warm. A small fire pit held cracking flames and the floor around it was covered in blankets and pillows. The air caves were the highest up and had cream colored couches and soft pale blue carpets and unlike the other niches they had no railings. They also had glass ceilings that showed the world above and were calm and pretty. Lastly the two nature caves were the most beautiful of all of them, according to me of course. The floor was all wood and trees created an arching canopy above comfy couches. Flowers bloomed and blossomed around the outer wall and vines grew up the cave sides.

"It took my breath away too
Mr Meyers said softly beside me, noticing my awed face. "It still does"

"It's amazing" I breathed "but where is everyone?" The only sound heard was the splashing of water, crackling of flames and the rustle of leaves.

"It's lights out right now" Mrs Winchester stated "which means you have to be in bed also, I will take you to Mrs Garring and she will show you your room.

Mrs. Garring was head of the girls wing apparently and therefor my counselor and teacher. She had no powers but Mrs Winchester informed me that she was highly respected and loved by all the students. I guess she had to be pretty fantastic, she was.

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