Chapter 11

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Hello everyone! A couple of things I need to address.

1. As you may notice I have a new cover for my story!!! Please tell me what you think and if you prefer this cover or the last one. Keep in mind that this one was a picture that I took myself and the other cover was not.

2. I have 1.26 views on my book now which is awesome! It's all because of everyone who is reading my book and I really appreciate you guys sticking with it :)

3. I had more than 300 comments on my last chapter which seems unheard of and I LOVE IT SO THANK YOU.

Without further ado, let's continue on to chapter 11 which is back to Lyra's point of view. Thanks for reading!


I'm not a jealous person.

Seriously, I'm not, but that night of the fake party, or whatever you want to call it, I had a serious jealousy problem.

It all started with the fact that there was a party in the first place. Carla and Juliette decided we should get dinner so we all tagged along, and apparently that was the rest of the schools idea too.

We went the highest up, all the way to the air cubby, set our stuff down (there wasn't much stuff but we still used it to claim the whole area) and watched people trickle in to the main cave. Eventually when the trickle of students and staff became a full blown mob, we decided we shouldn't wait any longer and went to go get food. The food was delicious as usual but we waited in huge lines for it and then when we returned to the air cubby it was packed.

Packed with popular, flawless girls and boys.

All of which were brought by none other than Brook Kyden. She now has the label of Adrien's stalker but he doesn't seem to get it. I thought that all of those movies about the guy being clueless to emotions was a lie but it's not.

None of it is a lie.

There we were, all coming up the steps to the air cave when Juliette doubled over with her hands over her ears.

Then we saw it. Pretty much a billion people crowded into one tiny area with music blaring, people kissing, people dancing, an actual party. How did the teachers not see this?

Brook came running down the stairs with Iris (I still couldn't believe she was Julie's sister, what happened to make them hate each other?) and Rowena. She stopped right in front of us, ignored everyone, and turned to Adrien with a huge smile on her face.

"Come join the fun! There are so many people I want you to meet!" She exclaimed with a squeal as if nothing could please us more than to be graced with her presence and the presence of all her friends.

"I'm not sure, I think we're good-" Adrien tried to respond.

She grabbed his hand in hers and pulled him up the stairs, making him hold on to his food for dear life. He looked so flustered being pulled along by a gorgeous girl.

He was smiling though and blushing.

This is kinda where the jealousy kicks in, but don't worry it gets better.

"Well we can't just leave him in there, can we?" Carla asked.

"I guess not" I said half heartedly.

"Let's get this over with" Luca stated

Juliette didn't speak, except you know, the moans occasionally coming out of her mouth the closer we got the noises.

When we got to the top, I tried looking for Adrien through the mobs of people but I couldn't find him so Carla and I just stood awkwardly to the side eating our food standing up. Across the small cave Juliette was standing alone looking like she was going to fall over.

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