idk what to title this

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  It was early morning. Kwazii ended up sleeping in the captain's bed that night. He didn't feel like going back to his room.

He snatched his hat off the captain's floor and tiptoed out of the cozy room. The door slid shut, leaving kwazii "alone" in the hallway. He twirled around to find dashi stumbling down one of the traveling tubes throughout the octo-pod.

"A-aye! G'mornin dashi-" kwazii stuttered, backing away from the captain's door. "Kwazii? What're you doing up so early? And why're you down here?" Dashi queried, shuffling towards kwazii.

"I- I was just- I fell asleep with my husba-..." kwazii paused. He had comprehended his critical error.

  Kwazii had unknowingly told Dashi about him and the captain being married. OH. NO. "W h a t. D I d. Y o u. S a y..?" Dashi muttered, her eyes growing wide.

"NOPE. NOTHING. DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS, DASH. AYE? BYE." Kwazii sprinted away to another tube and launched himself down it, making an abrupt-thump-everytime he would bump against the walls.

At this point, tears were forming in kwazii's eyes and thoughts were brewing.

'What if dashi tells the rest of the team? Would she convince barnacles or inkling to get rid of me?? Should I be packing my bags in advance? AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!' Kwazii's mind spiraled into absolute chaos. (Me too, kwaz..🥲)

  Dashi stood, in the hallway, frozen out of shock. "W h a t. Ugh. Imma go back to the kitchen..." she muttered to herself as she sluggishly waddled back through the kitchen doorway.

Barnacles heard someone talking outside his door. It was a VERY bad attempt at whisper-yelling. 'Eh.. back to SLEEP.' C.B. plopped down. He sat back up, flipped his pillow to the cold side and faceplanted into it.

((Author's note! I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!
No, I didn't discontinue the story! I was typing it up during my sister's hockey game and after my figure skating practice, I went to add onto it and it wasn't saved... I got really tired and unmotivated and I'm running out of ideas (give me ideas..) and forgot to post on a more regular basis but THAT never happened.. sorry! Anyways-I hope all of you enjoy this update! Goodbye! 😌💅))

captain barnacles x kwazii Where stories live. Discover now