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Haley's pov

A few years later I'm going to the Ohio us championship and I'm gonna be going against Benny again and my mom passed away, it's been hard but I've been getting through I've actually gotten addicted to alcohol now and it's actually helping me with everything.

I get to Ohio and go to my motel room and take two pills and change into my pj's and close my eyes and then look up at the ceiling and play the game in my head to get ready for tomorrow.

The next day at the chess tournament I'm looking at competition I have when...

Benny walks over to me.

Benny says"why, hello Haley.

Haley looks at benny.

Haley says"why, hello benny.

Benny says"I read about you're game with borgov. That must have felt terrible.

Haley looks away.

Haley says"I felt like a fool.

Benny says"I know the feeling. Helpless. It all goes and you just...push wood.

Haley looks up and looks at Benny.

Benny says"who have you got first?

Haley says"manfredi.

Haley looks over at manfredi and he is kissing a chess piece.

Benny says"that shouldn't take long. Highest-rated players in the whole fucking country, and here we are in some second rate university playing on cheap plastic boards with cheap plastic pieces.

Haley smiles.

Benny says"if this was golf or tennis tournament, we'd surround by reporters as opposed to...whoever these people are. You should see the places they play in Soviet Union.

Haley says"I'm planing on it.

Benny says"you have to get past me first.

Haley says"I'm planning on that, too.

Haley walks away from Benny and walks up the stairs to her opponent.

Haley beat her opponent and so did Benny.

The next day Haley went against someone new and beat them to and so did Benny. Haley leaves and goes to the lounging area and is reading Benny watts book, yes it's for the game but there might be a slight very slight chance that I still like Benny.

The next day Haley goes up against someone new and beats them and so does Benny.

Haley leaves and sees Benny being questioned by a someone and laughs and walks away and she hears him running up to her.

Benny says"Haley wait up.

Haley smiles.

Haley says"found yourself a reporter.

Benny laughs.

Benny says"very funny. What did you do that to that poor man in there, he looked like he wanted to kill himself.

Haley says"uh, which poor guy are you talking about?

Haley looks at Benny.

Benny says"touché.

Benny smiles.

Benny says"some of us are heading down to the student union, having a couple beers, playing speed chess. You should join us.

Haley says"no thanks. I have to study. Thought I'd go back to the dorms, read you're book. You know, get in shape.

Benny says"you realize we have the whole day off tomorrow.

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