Chapter 10

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*Chapter Ten*

Eden’s pov

I didn’t hurt Rick and Donnie to bad, but let’s just say that they might need a few stitches - a lot of few stitches. I knew they wouldn’t dare say anything because then they would obviously have to confess to their crimes. Then who would believe they saw a giant black wolf the size of a horse especially when there drunk. I had to smirk at that one. If they did find some way to reach the hospital, the doctors and the nurses would probably think they just got into some bar fight or ran into a wild rabid dog (no offense to me).

I brought Lily back to the pack house so we could eat the ice cream and watch the movies just like I planned earlier. I had also planned to take Lily back home to her house, but I just couldn’t do it when she told me she didn’t want to be alone. I mean come on, what are best friends for? So instead I decided to take her back home early so she’d be ready for school.


When we woke up that morning, I told Lily to wait for me in my room before we headed back to her house. Of course because we woke up early, everyone else in the house was sleep. A smile came to my face as I approached Nick’s door. I opened his door thinking it was stupid of him to leave it unlocked and came up to his bed. Nick was curled up in a ball under the covers. I would have thought it was cute if Nick wasn’t so ugly to me and the fact that I hated him.

I grabbed a fistful of covers and wrenched them off him. I would have banged some pots together if that wouldn’t have gotten me in trouble with the alpha later for waking everyone up. He turned his head towards me and cracked his eye open, then they both flew open at the appearance of me.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” He growled at me.

“Letting you know that you’ll be wearing your weights to school.” I smirked.

“You came in my room for that?”

“Yup.” I said popping the ‘p’.

I took my cue and left his room and back to Lily. Before we left I got ready for school seeing as it would be stupid to drop off Lily just to come back and get ready. Lily and I went through the forest again to her house. When we got there I waited outside for her and after she was done we head off to school.

I noticed that Lily would look around her every couple of minutes while we were walking, but I didn’t say anything because I knew she would just brush it off and most likely change the subject. Lily was better at the school. She seemed to be more clam in a building than outside. I prayed she didn’t stay like this for long.

The school day went fine except for the fact that Nick was glaring at the back of my head every chance he got and that during last period, I caught Lily staring at the clock. Not the way a normal high school teenager would look at the clock – like they wanted time to speed up. Lily looked at the clock like she wanted it to slow down, reverse, grow, stop, anything to keep her from going outside again. This had to stop.

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