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Peters POV

"Hey guys?" I ask walking in to the room

"Ye pete?" Nat asks as I sit next to her

"Can i invite risk over for a movie night" I ask cautiously

"She doesn't know who we are though and won't she freak out if she finds out" tony says

"Actually she does know cause when I went over to hers for a movie night she said and I quote, 'I know I'm texting the avengers cause your a shy little child who is incapable of making friends, if it wasn't for me you would be all alone probably rotting  away in your room so don't try to lie to me, cause I already own all of your friends numbers' so yeah" I said remembering what Alex said to him the minute he got to her house

"I like her" Bucky said after hearing the description she gave me

"Okay fine she can come text her now" Nat said after seeing tong nod in confirmation

"K thx" I said getting me phone out and going onto our private conversation


Hey you wanna come over to the avengers tower for movie night?

aLeX aNd V.

Sure but only if I can bring Goofy


One sec I'll ask

"Can she bring one of her dogs Goofy?" I ask tong giving him the puppy dog eyes

After staring at my face for a minute he looked down and sighed defeatedly, "fine"


Your allowed

I'll see u too soon

aLeX aNd V.

K thx

Love u bro


I love you too

But I'm concerned u never say that

U okay?

aLeX aNd V.

Ye just Goofy got injured on our walk around a month ago and its my fault

I threw a stick and it fell down a steep hill

And Goofy being well goofy

Ran after it and tripped on the way down and fell down the hill onto a sharp rock that cut into her leg really deep and broke a lot of stuff

It was so bad it needed amputated

I'm so stupid

So I'm kind of not letting her out of my sight



I had no idea

It's not your fault tho

You didn't know it was gonna happen

And I know u didn't throw it purposely down the hill

So don't blame yourself okay

C u soon luv ya boo

aLeX aNd V.

Thx Pete I needed to c that

C ya soon


I looked up from my messages not even realising the tears in my eyes or the frown on my face until I hear Nat talk to me

"Pete what's wrong r u okay?" She said worriedly

"U'll c when Alex gets here" I respond not even realising I said her name still thinking about goofy

"So her names Alex" Tony asks with a smirk on his face

"Oh shit she's gonna kill me. Actually I don't think I could have said that at a better time" I say muttering the last part but Nat still heard me

"What do u mean by that Pete?" She said eying me suspiciously

"U'll find out later but she's just got a lot more to be worrying about at the moment" I reply with a small smile

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