Chapter One: The Start

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Ren glanced at the clock as it ticked ever closer to lunchtime. His stomach grumbled loudly, alerting him that he was, again, very hungry. "Okay, let's pack away everyone," Miss Keal exclaimed as everyone rose from their seats and started to fill their bags with their school books. As soon as that was done, people began filtering out of the door. Ren walked over to Riley, Sean and Tom and waited for them to be ready. Once they were all out of the door, they waited for Liam, who would most probably arrive with Luke and Josh. They were also waiting for Aaron. This was like a daily routine for them.

Their friends shortly arrived and they set off to the leisure centre, talking about all sorts of things from cars down to anime, or even sex, as that's what everyone normally talked about in this strange group. Ren, Liam and Riley walked together into the hall, dismissing the familiar call of the teachers to 'put on your masks' and 'sanitise your hands.' They headed towards their table, the same table they always sat at and removed their food from their bags.

Liam had his chocolate bar and crisps, Riley had his sandwich and Ren had his yoghurt and strawberries, which were all leftover from break. Due to the small amount of food, they didn't manage to talk about anything interesting and made their way outside as quickly as possible, Ren placing Liam's crisp packet, which had been famously folded by him, into the bin as they did. Ren sighed. "Hey, don't you think today feels a bit... off, ya know?" He said as he glanced at Liam and Riley in succession.

"Yeah, I guess," Riley replied, shrugging his shoulders. Liam only nodded and hummed in agreement. "You good, Liam?" Ren questioned him, with a concerned face. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled back. Ren reflected it. They joined their group of friends, which consisted of Luke, Ethan, Sean, Tom, Aaron, Josh, Harry, Keiran and a few others, who were already huddled into their groups outside.

Chatter filled the air, as Ren and Liam held each-others hands, making strange gestures. The mandem, who was standing at the fence, were waiting for an opportunity to throw a random object or food item into the sea of people. A chunk of KitKat flew through the air and landed directly on Liam's head, causing him to spin around in confusion. Ren mimicked his movements and threw a death glare the boy's way.

As he turned back around, he caught a glimpse of a figure standing beyond the gate, on the border of where the trees started. As he focused his vision on it more, he realises how peculiar it looked. "Hey, Liam, look over there!" Ren shouted to his friend, pointing to the figure. More than one head turned to look at this person. After a few minutes, most of the people around were staring directly at where Ren's finger pointed. "Who the fuck is that?" Harry said, rolling over to the fence in his wheelchair to get a better look. Everyone else followed him, their curiosity getting the better of them. "You lot, what are you all doing?" A teacher shouter from behind the large group of teenagers. Riley spun around. "There's a weird dude stood outside the fence," he explained to a concerned looking Miss Gordon. Tom tapped Riley's shoulder, "uh, there's more than one."

Riley turned back around to see significantly more people there than there were before. They were making an unusual groaning sound. "Guys, call me crazy..." Keiran started.

"Whatever you're about to say, don't. I'm pretty sure we are all thinking the same thing. We don't need someone to confirm it for us," Josh interrupted. Everyone's heads turned to Josh, their petrified eyes widening even more. Ren grabbed Liam's hand, shouting "Run!" while dragging him away from the fence. No one needed to tell them twice for all the other students to follow close behind. "Sean, push me!" Harry yelled; Sean already running and grabbing the wheelchair, spinning it in front of him to push. Josh glanced behind him, only to see the creatures already at the fence, their arms pushing hard, fingers protruding through the holes. "This can't be happening," he whispered.

Everyone continued to run, no one turning around until screams rang out from behind them. The creatures had piled on top of each other so much that the fence could no longer hold their weight, and it had fallen over, crushing a few students who weren't as quick as the others to react. Among these students were, Ollie and Finley. Quinn was desperately trying to pull Ollie from underneath the fence, but he was unconscious and the weight of the fence was making it impossible. In the end, Quinn gave up and sprinted away.

By this time, most people had made it up to the car park. Ren, Liam and Riley lead the group with Tom, Josh, Keiran and Aaron close behind. Sean, who was still pushing Harry, Luke and Ethan had been lost in the crowd somewhere. No one bothered to go back into school to retrieve their belongings, instead, they ran straight down the front drive to escape the school. Some tripped and fell, which caused a sort of human dominoes effect. Ren glanced behind him, making sure that his friends were all still there and none of them had fallen behind. Luckily, he could see them all, all though some were further back than others.

Thankfully, the monsters were nowhere to be seen, however, Ren was sure it wouldn't be too long before they caught up. He stopped at the bottom of the drive, Riley and Liam also coming to a halt. "We need to regroup with everyone!" Liam said, fear dripping from his voice. Riley nodded. First came Tom, Josh and Luke, followed shortly by Keiran and Aaron. They had to wait a couple of seconds before Sean and Harry came, and finally, Ethan made it to the group. "We need to find somewhere to hide!" Aaron said hurriedly. "Yeah but first we need something to defend ourselves with," Sean explained, and everyone agreed.

The group was about to set off when the horn of a car sounded loudly behind them. They all turned around to see Ren's mum in her car, frantically waving at them. However, behind that, was another hoard of creatures. "Mum, look out!" Ren screamed, starting towards the car. But it was too late, and the car was engulfed by the creatures, who soon entered the vehicle. Ren dropped to his knees, his view not wavering from the car covered in squirming bodies.

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