Chapter 6

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Minghao drops his phone on the desk and looks back over to Jun. "You ready to see your best friend?" Minghao asks. Jun became jumpy in a heart beat, its been a while since he's seen Hansol and he's pretty excited to see him again

Minghao unmutes and mentions that his friends have free will to leave the call, Mingyu and Hoshi fell asleep so Him, Wonwoo, and Dino left the group call, leaving those two on facetime with each other, Minghao joins back and screenshots the two sleeping, especially since Mingyu is showing his face on the call with his mouth wide open. Minghao starts snickering and leaves the call again. Minghao leads Jun downstairs and slides on his shoes, he then looks down to see that Jun has been walking all over the place barefoot for what?- 2, 3 days? Minghao looks up and Jun and just ignores it, Minghao then leads Jun to Dino's apartment building, Minghao messages Dino to let him into the lobby and that's what Dino does, Minghao and Jun go up a couple stairs and make it to Dino's apartment. Minghao knocks on the door as if he's the FBI. Dino answers the door.

"Minghao- You are not the cops, we've been over this!" Dino says while rubbing his eyes. 

"What's your point." Minghao asks, staring at Dino as if he was a child confused at someone speaking adult english. Dino and Minghao stare at each other for 2 minutes and then Dino lets Minghao inside. Minghao slides off his shoes and walks inside.

"Hansol! Your friend is here" Dino yells out. "You sound like a mother and Hansol is having a playdate" Minghao says. Dino stares at Minghao, the only thing he's doing is blinking... And breathing. Minghao watches as Jun basically tackles Hansol as if it was the whithered Foxy jumpscare from Five Nights at Freddys 2. Dino only sees Hansol drop to the ground and start laughing, Minghao and Dino just talk while watching their spirits play around.

"How long have you been seeing this spirit?" Minghao asks.

"Since the end of the school year, I just saw him everywhere I went, I didn't know what he wanted, and honestly, I still don't. He told me everything about him but what he was doing here and what he wanted from me" Dino responds.

"It's something that they do at their age, They have to come to earth to befriend someone so if they ever get kicked off their Moon or Star that they have someone to rely on in this world" Minghao explains to Dino.

"So if Hansol gets kicked off his Star, He's gonna be stuck here on Earth, with me?" Dino says, putting together the puzzle of Minghao's words. Minghao nods, the two of them then look over to see Jun on top of Hansol who was laying on his back, They were talking and joking around, there were hugs every now and then. The two spirits were holding hands, their fingers interlocked with one another. Minghao and Dino let out a little smile while watching those two play around. Minghao rests his head on Dino's shoulder, The two spirits look over at them.

They looked at them for a minute and then went back to playing and tackling each other, they brushed off the fact of how close their new friends are, they even did a dance they did when they were younger just to focus on each other. Time went by and it was pretty late, Minghao felt tired as shit and wanted to go home. "Jun, lets go" Jun became upset, "Hey, How about instead of Hansol turning my room into a fucking sauna, I take him with me to school, since Jun and Hansol cannot be seen they could just play around there" Dino suggests. Jun became jumpy again, showing that it's a plan he hopes Minghao agrees with, Minghao chuckles at the sight of Jun jumping all over the place. "Sounds like a plan". Jun and Hansol became ecstatic, they ran to each other and whatever jumpiness that Jun had completely transferred to Hansol when they had given each other a hug. 

Jun accepts that he has to leave and follows Minghao out the apartment, I mean, he does cartwheels and a handstand out the door but, he leaves, As they are walking back home Jun back-hugs Minghao especially as they walk inside and Minghao kicks off his shoes, once again, Jun was barefoot so he didn't have any shoes to kick off. The two of them walk upstairs and into Minghaos room. Minghao flops face first onto his bed and Jun sits on the ground right in front of Minghaos bed, Jun learned that Minghao adored his personal space, especially around that Hoshi guy when they were at school. 

Minghao looks over at Jun, he gets closer to the wall and taps the side of the bed, inviting Jun to lay down, Jun understood that when someone taps at a certain area it's an invitation to sit, not to lie down, so Jun sits, Minghao knows he goes through Jun yet he puts his hand on Juns chest and tries to push it down, as an invitation to lay down. Jun leans back and lays down, Minghao gets up to turn on the A/C and switch the louvers, after that he flops back on to bed and goes to sleep.  It's around 1:45 in the morning and Jun is still awake, he looks over at Minghao who was calmly asleep, his mouth was slightly open, he was resting his hands on each other with both his knees up to his chest, Jun was laying down on his back with his right leg hanging off the edge of the bed and with one hand layered on top of the other, both his hands were resting on his chest as his head was tilted to face Minghao. 

Jun gets a better look at Minghao, especially up close. That's all Jun does, he looks at Minghaos face and admires his facial features, Jun can't tell his he's falling for this man already or he's just feeling a bit sick. Love sick, even?

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