(1) Wild Hunt

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I stared at the dark figure hovering over the cradle. The black body suit revealed his muscular form, and his thick, dark, curly hair stood on top of his head. Darkness surrounded the room, I could not identify any other object besides the menacing man.

Suddenly, the man whipped around, and his eyes bore into mine. The color I could never forget. Pitch black. I could see no pupil, and maybe that was what scared me the most. He looked like a demon coming to bring Hell on Lorain. I took a step back, and the man vanished.

Letting out a shaky breath, I approached the cradle that the man had been staring at. What could possibly be so intriguing in here? My eyes adjusted in the darkness, and the infant's gaze met mine. I gasped.
The baby was me.

''Don't let him get away!"

"Gelasia do something!"

"He has a human boy! Marilee use a spell!"


A golden, bright light stopped all three girls and vampire in their tracks. A womanly figure appeared before the group. Her body was covered in black and silver armor suit, while a crystal sword hung limply at her waist. Only her eyes could be seen. Her right the color of pure gold; her left a pitch black. Behind her stretched her brilliant wings. Her right wing an intimidating ebony, and her left a stunning auric.

"Out of my way Angelo," the vampire hissed.

"Release the boy, and we will let you leave in peace." The vampire, a beautiful golden haired man, narrowed his eyes at the angel. His gaze flickered back and forth from the boy to her. His eyes met the golden and black orbs before letting out a snarl, and he took off.

Quick as lightning, the girl's crystal sword swept out and cut the vampire into half. His green, dead eyes stared at her in shock before turning lifeless. The angel carefully picked the boy up.

"Marilee, you know what to do." Marilee nodded and pulled off her purple hood from her own armor suit. The young half-witch's long, curly, obsidian hair tumbled down her back, while her green eyes began to glow as she started to chant.

"Rhea," the girl in the red armor suit said. Gelasia, a simple human, also Rhea's second in command, approached her leader and her bestfriend. Her short, cooper hair matched her hazel eyes. She may look small and petite, but Gelasia was a master in the art of fighting.

"Not now," the angel snapped. She was angry at her friends for not stopping the vampire. "I had to kill another vampire, because of your careless actions."

"Rhea," another voice said. Phyllis was the youngest in Kidemonds. Half-werewolf, half-fey, she was a beauty with her silver hair and blue eyes that matched her armor suit.

"We weren't being careless. The vampire took us by surprise, and we didn't have enough time to react."

Rhea pulled of her hood. Her chocolate hair flew out and curled slightly at the ends. She stood at 5'8', and she met them with a hard stare.

"What's done is done. Let's just get back to the village. Marilee!"

"I'm finished!" the witch called.

"Come on," Rhea said with a sigh.

The four girls pulled their hoods up before taking off to the east.

"Are you really that upset?" Gelasia asked softly as her and Rhea made their way to the council building. Rhea breathed in deeply before meeting her gaze.

"No. I'm sorry for being harsh on you girls, I need to apologize to Marilee and Phyllis, but I've just been getting strange dreams." Gelasia nodded in understanding.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rhea shook her head.

"Let's just go talk to Otis. Lord knows what that creep will say."

The two entered the brick building and met curly hair and caramel eyes.

"Otis," Rhea greeted. Otis smiled brightly, while his sister Mariam glared at her.

"My beloved Rhea. How are you?" Pulling out a chair, Otis gestured for her to sit.

"Thanks for the greeting," Gelasia muttered. Rhea elbowed her friend before speaking.

"We aren't planning to stay long," she explained. "We came to inform you that another vampire was killed, but the boy was saved." Otis stared at her blankly.

"Very well."

"We'll be going now," Rhea said cautiously. Otis nodded, still staring at her with no expression. The moment her hand reached the knob, she saw his face darken. Rhea narrowed her eyes and pushed open the door.

"Well that was just wonderful," Gelasia said sarcastically as they left the building. Rhea didn't respond, but glanced back and saw Otis watching her through the window.

"Let's just get out of here," she mumbled.

"Let's go hunting or something. I'm bored," Gelasia suggested.

"First one wins?" Rhea grinned.

"Game on," Gelasia smirked.

Rhea took off, throwing her hood back over her head. She pulled the cloth over her mouth and felt her wings expand. The angel quickly saw her target, a strong looking stag. She zoomed towards it, but before she reached it, a body slammed into hers.

"Gelasia!" Rhea shouted causing the stag to run off.

"Shhhh!" she hissed. Her hazel eyes scanned the forest before meeting Rhea's in panic. "We need to go. Now."

Rhea nodded. She was not one to questioned her friend. Gelasia has killer senses when it came to sensing danger.

"Hop on." Once Gelasia was secured, Rhea took off. They landed near the edge of the village and walked in silence towards the house.

Suddenly, a sharp feeling sliced through Rhea's chest. She felt as if she was burning from the inside out, and she grabbed her chest.

"Get down!" Gelasia hissed. Rhea didn't listen. Her eyes searched for the cause of her pain, and she saw a body floating above her. The angel was gorgeous. His charcoal black hair was messily styled; his eyes the same color as a sunset. His bright, red wings expanded from either side, and his gaze sent a shiver down her soul.

No words were spoken, but the beautiful man soon flew off. Otis appeared beside Rhea.

"My love! Are you okay?"

Rhea didn't respond but stood up hastily.

"Who is he?" she whispered. Otis growled.

"The Prince of Angelos."

Rhea stared at the small streak of red. What did he want?
Hello! What did everyone think of that? I'm obviously back with a new story, and just so everyone knows, Rhea is pronounced as RAY. I hope you guys enjoy, and I will try to update every Saturday.

Just want to say that I am no professional so there will be mistakes!

Thanks for reading. :)

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