Chapter 1: The Tale of Two Kingdoms

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Author's Note: This chapter is based on season 1 episode one "Pilot" PLEASE NOTE: this fanfic connects with Roswell (1999-2001) please refer to my fanfic "Princess of Antar" to see what I mean since THIS story takes place after the old show ended and Roswell: New Mexico being ten years later.

It may say Alex Whitman and I know you may think Colin Hanks but actually, it's, not for RNM in my story the new actors represent their old older selves grown up with kids and family from both the 90s and 2000s plus I like Whitman way better then manes since the last name is from the book "Roswell High" so even with Whitman as the family name think 'Tyler Blackburn' for this, not Colin if you watch the show like me and my editor you know what we mean.

Mira voice-over "Every small town has a story, but since my birthplace has a legend. I thought I would just share it with you, Roswell was a sleepy cowboy settlement in postwar America, full of farmers and military men, until, one day, something extraordinary happened. Or so the legend goes."

We see a camera panning through the desert of Roswell of when the air force found the crashed ship back in 1947 and it goes back to the present as Roswell's queen continues talking, narrating her story or what could end up a fairytale ending if this goes wrong once more, you will see as our story progresses.

Mira voice-over (CONTD) "Ever since, UFO enthusiasts have flooded in, searching for some cosmic phenomenon to prove we're not all alone in the universe. As a kid, I was searching, too, for my place in this town, until I realized that Roswell is just a small town, full of small tragedies and small people, people I plan to see again. Even... him."

A forty-year-old Mira (mysteriously aged up when she is only thirty-eight actually) would drive up to her way home in Roswell and noticed her dad Yup the one and only Max Evans who married her mother forty years ago hence her being here and her little brother, so she would hurry up getting bottles down to hide them and drove up.

"Seriously dad, you've got to be joking."

A smile showed "hey, baby girl I'm only stopping you because I know you're drinking and driving again."

Groans as she leans her head on the wheel "God dad, seriously with that nickname?!" she asked embarrassed.

Sheriff Valenti heard the commotion and looked as he began to walk over "problem here, Evans?" he asked and then looked "ah, our favorite girl has come home finally." his sarcasm was quite noticeable "you may just join Mr. Guerin in jail again."

She scoffed hearing that as Max felt bad "oh, come on she's had a rough couple of ten years give my girl a break."

After a long while of dealing with her dad and sheriff, she went home her home in his house letting her bag slid off her shoulder as memories of being here without him only brought sadness, sighing she looked at a picture frame of her true love, and Izzy as well as one with just her and him. Staring sadly at the picture looking at his appearance.

Mira would teleport to her family's café after changing out of her party clothing into her normal outing outfit she'd go to the Crashdown and sighed irritated hearing the annoying podcaster once more

"Seriously..." she muttered and walked over just simply unplugging him off the damn radio.

"Hey, you can't do that!" Grant said agitated

"Sorry amigo yes I can, besides do you ever get tired of reporting if you even think this may be fake?" Mira replied being sassy and sarcastic

"What? Do you believe?" he asked intrigued by her response.

"I swear I will throw something right now if you don't get out". Her agitation grew to hold a piece of bread showing she isn't kidding.

He ran after her threat, silence came in the Crashdown as everyone had gone and it was just her and Eliza her mother putting stuff away as she goes to the box for music.

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