A Fools Vow - To Save A Prat

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(Arthur's POV)

"Greetings King Arthur,

Congratulations on becoming king, and my condolences to your loss. I have no doubt you will make a fine king. One camelot has only dreamed of. Though before that i must inform you of a bit of unpleasant news aboutvthe late king Uther. You see young king. Him and I long before you were born struck a deal. He wanted to become king but his older brother Agravain sat on the throne. So he came to me seeking my magic to aid him in his endeavors to accomplish his goal. I warned him that for such a grand wish a price must be demanded. I sarned him the price would be a heavy one, but he cared not. He only wished to be king. So in exchange for the kingdom he bargained the life of his first born son. So the deal was struck. An unbreakable vow was forged. At first when the deal was struck i admit my motives were not a good one. I stroke the deal for my own gain as the soul of a prince can grant me entrance to ablion. I have lived many years and am tired. So i admit the chance to finslly put my immortality aside and join my loved ones in ablion made me greedy. Now though i find i do not wish to kill you, as i have grown close to you as a brother might. Yet although i would love to break the vow and allow you to live a long and fruitful life. Once an unbreakable vow is made it cannot be broken, but it can be changed. So i implore you young king Arthur. If you value your life i encourage you to agree to participate in the identity vow as it is the only chance you have not to die. If you choose to participate than burn this letter and I will appear in disquise to tell you the terms of the vow. And no i can't just tell you my identity as part of the vow is to guess my identity. The choice is yours Arthur but i encourage you to accept otherwise all is lost. Until the day you guess my true name and identity y ou may call me Rumplestilskin.

Until than your highness.


"So now that you have heard the contents of the letter I recieved. I would like your opinions. Do you think there is any merit to this?" I prompted scanning the faces of my round table participants.

"If I may sire." Snapping my eyes to Giaus who was wearily leaning over the table, elbows resting on the wood where he sat, i waited expectantly eager to hear what he has to say.

"I do believe what was said in that letter is true. It is no secret that Uther and I were once close friends. Because of that friendship Uther often confined with me on many things. Including this. The day you were born Uther came to me quite distressed. He told me of the vow he made and the price of the wish. He asked me if anything could be done. I told him that once made this vow cannot be broken. At the time i did not know ofbthis other vow to conteract this one. So Uther believed his only hope was to kill Rumplestilskin. What he didn't know is Rumplestilskin is immortal he cannot die. Especially not while the vow is in effect. I tried telling Uther this but he would not listen. So from than on he has dreaded the day Rumplestilskin would return to take your life. So yes Arthur what was said in that letter is very true. Its your only chance at survival. I implore you to accept the offer." With that Giaus fell silent waiting for my choice.

"Giaus before i decide i must ask do you know who Rumplestilskin is?"

"Yes sirs I do, but i cannot say as only those who are unaware of his identity may participate in the ritual. If i were to tell you who he is than the magic of the ritual will reject you and you will no longer have the chance to save your life. Uou must discover his identity during the ritual and only with the help of those unaware of his identity currently. What i can tell you is he is someone you know. He has spent the padt few years protecting you. Originally so he could kill you himself, but now you have become like a brother to him. I was the one who told him of this identity vow as he was frantically searching everywhere for a way to save you. He cares about you Arthur and he will do everything in his power that the magic will allow, to help you." He calmly finished leaning back in his chair.

"Thank you Giaus. I am grateful for your help. What say the rest of you. Should i attempt this ritual?" Gwain was the first to speak clearing his throat to grab my attention.

"I don't know about the rest of you but it sounds to me like you really don't have much of a choice princess. Its ethier this and maybe save your life, or die for sure."

"I have to agree with Gwain Arthur. Sounds like there really isn't much of a choice here." Evylan added the others nodding their agreement. Well when they put it like that.

"Alright i guess i am doing the ritual." I sighed getting up and tossing the letter into the fire place across from the round table. The moment the letter burned a bright light appeared blinding everyone, before disappearing. Revealing in its place a man in a black cloak. His face was hidden in the shadows of his cloak making it impossible to guess his identity.

"King Arthur. Thank you for accepting the offer. I wish that this ritual wasn't necessary but unfortunately it is. But enough chit chat. Its time for the rules. The ritual we are about to conductbis called the identity vow. You and those you enlist help from will have 3 days to guess my name and fiqure out who i am. On the night of the 3rd day if you cannot correctly guess my name by the time the cock crows on the morning of the 4th day than your life is forfeit and i will have no choice but to take your soul. The deal was originally supposed to take affect when you turn 22 but because of this ritual it will be accelerated to the morning of the 4th day. Each night after the sunsets i will appear and you will have all night to guess my identity. Than when the cock crows i will vanish until the next night. I will do what i can to aid you but the magic will only permit me to do and say so much. Do you accept the terms?" He asked in a deep gravelly voice that seem to come from the grave. Taking a deep breath i nodded.

"Than extend your arm we must seal the vow." Doing as i was told i extended my hand which he grasped in a tight hold whispering foreign words that created golden ropes to appear and wind around our arms before vanishing. Once done he released my arm. Lowering his arm beneath his cloak once more.

"It is done. The first day will begin tomorrow morning when the cock crows for the first time. Until tomorrow night sire." He bowed before vanishing into thin air.

"Alright everyone we have work to do, and someone find me Merlin. He's probably in the tavern again that lazy sod."

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