Shes something else

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I awoke in bed to a new feeling it was... different. I can't tell you to be honest. Maybe it was the melting snow from winters end, the warmness of the fresh spring sun coming through my window or maybe the easy awakening of my phones notification waking me up at 7 in the morning.

I checked my phone to see that Scarlet had messaged me.

"Hey Girl! Good morning! Sorry Havent messaged ya in a bit still had a hangover from your birthday 2 days ago LMAO. Anyways ill stop holding up your time...oh! One more thing! Theres suppost to be a new farmer in town!! Maybe you two could be friends she's the grandaughter of Artemis Farm so she might be a fun new face to see around."

"Take care silly! And a new farmer? Ugh I hate having competion she better atleast be cool" I shot Scarlet a text back and hopped out of bed. My pink with little moon pajamas looked great as I took them off to change into my daily clothes. I still couldn't believe id sown them myself two seasons ago, Id really come a long way since Emily first taught me sowing in the valley. It feels great to make your own cosplays.

I made myself some coffee and checked the calander. It was the 1st of spring and the birds chirping on the vineyard really help bring the gentle welcome of new warm weather. I nearly forgot today was a therapy appointment. "Shit! Okay 10:30 Dont forget"

The vineyard looked a little dull after all winter was my off season and the ground had gone all winter without being sown or watered. Ive certainly got alot of work ahead of me.

I pulled up my boots and began pulling the old weeds and wilted crops from 2 seasons ago. "Damn this is gonna take a bit" I thought as I got to work. Pulling weed after weed polishing the trellis wood and finally setting my axe and water can down. After a solid few hours of tidying up, If only I was as good at remembering things as I am taking care of the vineyard.

My phone back up alarm wrung reading 10:45 "OH CRAP my appointment!" I dropped everything and headed for town I really hope Harvey doesnt mind me being late and by a lot with my record.

On the way into town I couldnt help but hear what sounded like rumanging in the trash. "Is that a raccoon? No we dont get those in the valley" Well my answer was there and it was certainly a weird one a girl with long pink curly hair was digging through the trash when the lid exploded.

"HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OKAY???" I ran over to see if she was alright as the lid came falling down and landed on her head with a mighty heavy thud she feel to the ground.

"Oh fuck I gotta get Gus!" I ran to the saloon door thankfully we were only by georges when it happened but I still ran over to get her some help.

I knocked 3 times on the door until Gus appeared and I explained the situation to him.

"Seems a little weird but alright! Lets lift her up and see if shes alright Ill set her on the couch in the saloon till she wakes up"

Gus grabbed her by the legs and I lifted her by the arms resting her head on my shoulder. "Damn could this girl sleep" I thought wondering how something that heavy launched with such power and well the obvious question exploded in front of us.

We ran in through the front door and screamed for Harvey Immediately he ran through and got the new girl from
us setting her on the bed.

"Wait isnt this the new girl??? Athena was her name? I hope she's alright this
blows pretty big."

As Harvey spoke those words must've been magic cause the girl immediately started to wake up.

"Oh fuck that did not feel good. wait... were am I?? Hello?"

"Hey new girl this is probably the worst introduction to us you could have gotten but Im Harvey the local doctor and this is Sophia. She brought you in after you took a pretty big blow to the head."

I looked at her laying in bed as she met my gaze her eyes were brown and deep with color her gaze met mine and its gonna sound dumb but I felt so flustered I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Are you okay Athena?"


I looked out to the sunset and saw the birds flying over maybe even some doves. The summit was beautiful but my eyes were taken by something else. I looked over at my wonderful wife Athena.

"Hey Silly im glad you came here with me. Did you ever think we would end up this way?"

"Only in my wildest dreams Sophia I couldnt imagine that the day we first met youd see me after I knocked out my a trash can lid"

"I still cant believe you wore it to our wedding but thats what I love about you Athena you are yourself and thats what I love" I leaned in and kissed her again overlooking the summit and being proud of the life weve built together.


Sorry for the short story decided against having a Sophia pov fanfiction full fledged story and instead decided to make this a short one.I promise to make up for it by the next one being an actual full fledged fanfiction a one shot felt better for this scene anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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