Artemis and Apollo

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Changeling talked Raven into letting him plan the twins' birthday party on his own. He'd given a presentation and everything. But it worked and he had a plan.

The twins' birthday was on a Sunday but he still believed Sunday birthdays sucked so they were planning for that Saturday. Titans East stayed because Mar'i's birthday had been that Thursday and Aisling's birthday was that Monday.

Clark Kent (Superman), Rita Farr (Elasti-Girl), Diana "Prince"; Princess of Themyscira (Wonder Woman) and J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter) showed up with Diana's and J'onn's daughter, Hannah and Clark's son with Lois Lane, Conner.

Two year old Conner was into everything. Clark was tired.

Changeling thought it was funny but was more concerned with throwing a great party. Since Mar'i's had gone great, he decided to have an Egyptian themed party. He loved the Mummy trilogy with Brendan Fraser and knew most of the myths in it.

Apollo watched the movies with him countless times though the infant had no clue what was happening.

Changeling got all the decorations, delegated responsibilities and kept Raven in the dark the whole time.

He was working.


The day of the party, things were going well. Everyone was following Changeling's carefully thought out plan and when noon came, the party started.

Raven was stunned when she realized what the party's theme was. It was nerdy enough for her with enough action for him. Her heart melted.

Changeling knew he'd won points with his wife. But now he needed to win points with his kids.

Charlotte had been fussy for days and was irritable the whole day but whenever he wasn't being influenced by her emotions, Sebastian was fine.

Changeling tried to hold onto that.


Things were progressing and things were winding down when Conner spied a gift he wanted to open (he was used to opening presents). He dragged it over and began opening it but Changeling stopped him.

Conner began crying.

Changeling had to tell his little brother that the gift wasn't his.

Conner was too young to truly grasp that and wailed.

Sebastian's powers went haywire.

The twins cried.

Clark had to swoop in and soothed his youngest child while his older son had to soothe his own children.

It was a mess and things had been going so well...

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