Chapter 1: Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

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What do you call the interaction where an entity is tied to a person, place, or thing?

A haunting.

Yeah, nothing like that was new around here. It's not always out of the ordinary when your town goes out of its way to constantly spout in your face about the mystical happenings of everyday and night. In my peculiar case, I'm used to it. What I mean by "used to" I'm referring to the countless "reports" of sightings, the signatures from Death appearing on people's windowsill, the jabbering of misplaced curses on the wrong high school teacher (a.k.a. the supernatural.)

Paranormal or not, the crazies could at least learn to give me a break around 6:30 in the morning when I'm drinking my coffee. At least.

My town is what you would call...dramatic.

Clinically-insane was a bit harsh for reference.

Paper cuts and bee stings? It's an automatic: "Call the ambulance!" But when there's been a robbery or a house fire, they shake it off as: "Sorry, we mistreated our ghost."

What the hell, right?

More or less, it's not considered the safest place to live.

Most of the time, I felt like I was the only sane person around here.

However, if I started thinking about it for too long I'd normally end up with an aneurysm...

🁫 🁫 🁫

When I'm at school, it's more hectic to me than living at home with spirit-crazed parents who dump salt on you every five minutes. But if I'm being honest, that still sounded better than meeting up with my even more deranged friend, Lucas. (Side note: his real name is actually Lilac, but apparently when his parents where filling out his birth certificate they switched around his first and last name by accident. When I saw the documentation for myself I laughed so hard I started to cry...Lucas shut me up by throwing me out his second-story balcony.) Unfortunately, in the Normie Hierarchy at my school I was at the top as Lucas stood right after me. The options couldn't have been more limited.

Speaking of the devil-incarnate himself, here he comes.

I nearly choked on my peanut butter and provolone cheese sandwich when Lunatic Lucas popped up from the front of my desk. He was supposed to be in the next class over, but sadly, it was lunch break. Anyone could go anywhere during lunch break. Dammit.

Slamming his hands onto my desk, Lucas began to rapidly speak like a pigeon on a high run. "Corey! Thank Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, I found you! You won't believe what I heard in the latest addition of Supernatural Scoop!"

I rolled my eyes.

The Supernatural Scoop was a popular newspaper article that flew around town preaching about all our unique "encounters" and "occurrences." To me, it's just a load of crap that I'm sure my alcoholic uncle would be able to show up if he was the slightest bit more intoxicated.

I set my sandwich down onto its plastic bag. The normal stinging I felt from the back of my throat persisted. I'm pretty sure that I was allergic to nuts. Oh well.

"That's not my name," I flatly replied.

His shoulders slumped. "Well you never call me by my real name, so I'm not gonna call you by yours! Kapeesh?"

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