42: Trinity

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I wake up and get dressed for work remembering last night... Oh last night I learned more about my coworker than anyone should ever have to know... We discussed our problems, our hopes, our dreams, and our thoughts. I felt as if there was a giant weight lifted off of my chest knowing that I wasn't alone in this world. It seemed like everything was constantly against me. He made my life better, he actually listened. In fact Devon and I were so alike it almost hurt. We've been through some of the same things, hell we even went to the same middle school at one time. I couldn't remember him as he couldn't remember me because we both changed our names to make sure we weren't blackmailed in the writing industry! I didn't like to remember my past, especially school so I as best I could blocked away the memories. He broke that barrier for me but seemed to bring only the good ones back. Thats when I remembered that this was the same person that I had a major crush on in middle school! I mean he was already hot before... but hot damn! I shake away my thoughts about him. No Trinity! Just STHAP thinking like that! He's just your pier/ coworker.... Nah. He's more than that. He's so gorgeous... THIS IS THE SHIT IM TALKING ABOUT GOING THROUGH MY MIND TRINITY SHUT UP AND UGH. My hair just wouldn't work for me today! Of course now I have a reason to try to impress someone so... Yeah... Kind of dressing up for work... Again...

After what seemed like 30 more minutes of trying to fix my hair, I make it manageable and storm out the door with my bag and my keys. I end up in the same elevator as Preston again and I roll my eyes thinking about Anne. He tries to start a conversation, "Hey Trinity!"
I lean against the wall and stare the opposite direction, "Hey..." Peasant... You're friends with the person that made me lose my job! I wanted to say that last part so bad but I held back knowing that it would just turn into an argument which would lead to me actually having to talk to him even more than before! He hesitates a little, "I heard New York Times is going down in flames..."
I was done trying to be nice, "Well isn't that just great news! That b*tchy boss needed to be put back in her place!"
He cringes at my words, "Are you okay?"
I sigh knowing that it's not right to be taking my anger out on a pretty much stranger, "No. I should've stayed. If I would've stayed for a little longer, I could've owned the business!" The elevator door opens and I storm out.
I don't look back but I could tell he probably had a jaw dropped shocked expression. I just stormed out of the apartment complex. Got in my car and drove to work.

I get to work with a blank expression on my face as I drop the bag down at my desk. Devon looks up at me with a sweet sarcastic tone, "Morning sunshine! You look excited to be here!"
I scoff, "For crying out loud! Out of all people you've seen the news today!"
He just grins and looks away, "Yeah. Old boss is handing off the corrupted business to a slightly new entrepreneur."
I slam my head against the desk, "That should've been me!"
My phone rings and I check the number. My face turns white and Devon charmingly replies, "You didn't look into who they were choosing did you? Pick up the phone."
I answer, "Hello?"
Her voice is sweet, and I never thought about how I would miss that voice before I left NYC, "Uh, Trinity?"
My best friend's voice to be exact, and I never told her what happened I just left for Texas without her and I've never felt so guilty before in my life, "I'm so sorry Sage! I should've told-"
"Dude, I can't run this magazine corporation all by myself you know!, "She says and I stop in my tracks!
"Wait... What do you mean 'I can't run this magazine corporation all by myself'?, "I ask stunned.
She laughs, "Did you see the news? That slightly new entrepreneur would be me, and I need a business partner! Preferably the one who is on the phone with me right now apologizing that she's in Texas working for a average wage in a newspaper office with her old crush after she quit her old job aka you..."
My eyes grow wide... Damn... Best friends and their almost mind reading abilities, "Okay three questions! One how do you know all this stuff? Two how are you going to achieve making people trust the New York Times ever again? And three why do you need me?"
She answers, "Okay. One, I still had Devon's number from highschool. Two, I'm gonna revamp the whole system. And three I can't do all of this alone."
I sigh, "Are you freaking kidding me!? You literally stayed on touch with him. Also no one is going to trust that magazine brand ever again!"
She replies, "Think about what's coming up in a couple of weeks... New Years. Now think about this, New Years, New Authors, New Stories that are all THE TRUTH, and New Sections! My plan is that we have out the first edition by the end of January. We need to interview people from all of these sections and spotlight them in their catagory okay?"
My mind is blown away, "Oh crap... HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THIS?"
She jokes, "Because I'm Sage. Now here are the categories.
TV shows
Ourselves (For the first month as an introduction)
Charity of the month
I thought my mind was blown before, "Are you being serious?, "I immaturely ask.
She excitedly replies, "Dead serious, but I'm gonna need your help, and Devon's, and maybe a few others. We should be able to get this baby published by January 26 if things go right! Besides, you have seriously close connections to about 4 of the topics already..."
I am so confused, "Who?"
She answers, "Anne Matthews, the pack, Melissa Chan, do I have to continue?"
My mouth grows dry thinking about the fact that I would actually have to try to communicate with Anne again, "How do you know all of this? And I don't personally know Melissa Chan! Also... Well you see... Anne and I aren't really... On the same side right now..."
She replies, "Melissa is Lachlan's girlfriend, don't ask why I know that... Uh and I kinda need you to talk to Anne though to get to Melissa and the other 3 sources really..."
I smile, "Sage."
She happily asks, "What?"
I finish the conversation, "Sometimes I hate you so much... I'll set up some interviewing with Preston later, and this better pay well..."

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! I would have updated yesterday but I was sick and my brain wasn't exactly working like I wanted it to lol. But anyways! It's here now! I feel totes mc goats better! Feel free to vote, comment, follow, and share for more! Love you all and have an incredible day! Bye!

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