60: Anne

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Mitch and I gave Preston a hug before he made his way through security. Mitch rested his arm on my shoulder as we made our way back to the car, "Did I ever say that you make a wonderful armrest?"
I roll my eyes, "Never heard that one before."
We reach the car and I hop in the shotgun seat. He starts the car and we begin to drive back to the resort.
"So what have you been up to recently Mitch?", I casually ask looking out the window.
He shrugs, "Nothing much"
Don't you just hate those awkward moments where you have nothing to really talk about because you haven't seen each other in forever! I stare down at the notebook in my hand and scribble down some thoughts on a free page to rip out later. Suddenly I slam against my seat belt and my notes fly out of my hands as Mitch hits the breaks, "OH MY GOSH SORRY ANNE WHAT IS THAT?!?!"
I look up and rub my aching ribs from where they contacted the seatbelt. A box lay in the middle of this cold rural road we were driving on. I looked over at my half brother who was already opening up the car door to further examine the box. I get out of the car and follow him towards the box, "What do you think it is?"
We reach the box and slowly he pulls out his pocket knife and cuts the tape off of the top. There were small holes carefully poked into the cardboard. Mitch mutters, "Please don't be anything illegal!" He swings open the cardboard box and jumps back afraid of what may lay inside. It makes a familiar noise and we both creep towards it.
"Is.. That a goat?", Mitch says bending down next to the box. I bend down next to him and it lets out a, "BLAAAAA"
It was swaddled in a blanket and I looked over at Mitch, "Well we can't leave it out here in the-"
Mitch laughs and I pick up the baby goat out of the box and cradle it like a baby, "I'm keeping it!!!"
He smiles and picks up the box. We get back in the car and I hold onto the baby goat. It nibbles on my fingers and I can't help but laugh, "I think it's hungry."
"I think you're right. You know we really should see if it belongs to anyone before you decide to keep it!", Mitch states responsibly. I nod and we drive to the store getting some goats milk and then reaching the cabin a bit later.

It was 11:47 when Mitch and I try to sneak into the cabin with the goat seeing if anyone would notice. Lachlan looked up at us from the couch with Melissa, "What's in the blanket?"
I try to hide the blanket, "What blanket-"
Rob trips going down the stairs and catches the rail, "WHAT THE HELL IS IN THAT BLANKET ANNE?"
Jerome walks in from the kitchen, Vikk follows with a granola bar in hand. I blush a little noticing that the entire place was focused on the blanket in my arms, "Well we were driving..."
The baby goat pops out from underneath of the blanket and jumps from my grasp to the floor, "BLAAH!"
I facepalm as Mitch yells, "TA DA!"

Rob walks over to Mitch and I, "Can I please talk to you in private for a minute Anne?"
I nod afraid of his stern tone, "Yeah."
He leads me to the kitchen and closes the door. I then plead, "Please let me keep the goat! Please Rob! He's too cute we couldn't just leave him out there."
He crosses his arms, "Anne, I don't think this is a good idea. Why can't Mitch take him?"
I beg, "Please Rob! It's just so cute!"
"It's a goat."
"Not just any goat, a baby goat"
"Give me a reason why we should keep him"
"You can use him in videos"
"Do we even know it's a him?"
"I think it is, besides I already came up with a name: Fido!"
He finally gives in, "Fine Anne. Because I love you."
I kiss him on the lips, "Love you too"
He kisses back in the wonderful moment and my legs end up wrapped around his waist. We end the kiss out of breath and I get down, "Sorry there, got a little out of hand I guess"
He jokes, "I could use a little out of hand later this week if you know what I mean baby gurl."
I wiggle my eyebrows at him before we go back into the other room to see pure comedy. Lachlan was screaming on top of the couch, "GET BACK! NO BAD GOAT!"
Vikk picked up Fido and began to chase Lachlan around the living room while Melissa rolled around the floor laughing and Jerome followed Vikk yelling, "ITS SO CUTE!"
Mitch films it all from his phone laughing.
I whisper to Rob, "Speaking of out of hand..."
He facepalms.

Vikk finally stops chasing and Lachlan stops running. Jerome laughs, and Vikk hands me the goat. I take the goat milk out of the fridge and put some in the microwave. I then pour it into a brand new baby bottle and bring it and Fido back into the main room. From there I bottle feed the adorable goat who hungrily drinks the entire bottle. Everyone gets ready to go ski except for Melissa and I. We get in a car and drive to the nearest pet store with Fido. I hold Fido in my arms as we look first for a collar, halter, and leash.
Melissa picks up a halter and puts it in a basket for me. We both giggle as we find an adorable shelf full of fleece goat jackets, and we end up grabbing two. We then grab two dog bowls (for water and food). After that we find goat food, a dog cage, a brush, a litter box, and hoof clippers (basically all of the essentials). The clerk smiles at us as she checks out the items. And after paying for everything Melissa helps me put the collar and leash on my pet so that he could prance back to the car.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed! Finally back from Washington, and I have to say the trip was a blast! So what do you guys think of Fido? Feel free to vote, comment, share, an follow for more. Have an awesome day, and I will talk I you later! Bye!

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