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  Eli has been in her room for the past few hours without any particular reason and Maeve craved some alone time. He claims that her room has the better 'ambience' for learning. Not that it really mattered he had been reading one of the new fantasy Quidditch novels instead of doing his potions homework. Maybe he just wanted to spend time with his only sister and was too damn proud to admit it.

  "Eli can I—"

  Eli sighed, "You can ask me a million more times the answer is still no, Maeve."

  "Oh come on! It's still light out!"

  "It is, but you are grounded, remember?"

  Well he had a point. Grounded means she was not to leave the house, not even for some fresh air. Her father even went as far as locking the windows with some silly charm. Like she was going to escape through the window anyways.

  She was going to use the chimney but her father blocked it too.

  "This is so unfair! I want to practice for Quidditch next year." Maeve whined and Eli rolled his eyes.

  "Don't get your hopes up. It's not like a girl has ever been accepted to the Slytherin team before."

  "There is a first for everything. And I'm your sister, does that not give me points?"

  Eli laughed and ran a hand through his jet black hair, an identical color to hers as well as their mothers. Her brother ignored her as continued to flip the pages on his book. Not only did he look identically like their mother, Maeve was jealous how he has her patience and soft tone. She was a short-fused, mini version of her father.

  "Well Harry Potter made it into the Gryffindor team. He's only a first year. I like to think I'm just as good but it's a shame tryouts are for second years and above only."

  Eli's finger stilled as he skimmed the pages. His eyes blinked several times and his brow creases slightly, just like he did when he silently lost her pet duck 5 years ago. It was a split second of thought, no one would have noticed. But he was her only brother. She knew him far too well.

  When Eli stayed quiet, Maeve emerged from her cocoon of soft blue galaxy themed blanket and sat beside his head, "What do you think about father's new job?"

  You should be extremely grateful. The words floated again in her mind.

  They would be comfortable now. No more borrowing Mrs. Helsby for more produce for dinner and father would not give to charm the roof to stop leaking every few days. They could move to a different house entirely. Live happily. That is if people still assume money equals one's happiness. The purebloods seem to think so.

  Tired of being ignored, Maeve grabbed her pillow and slammed Eli's face hard, sending his book spiralling to the floor.

  "You dimwit!" He scowled.

  "Answer me!"


  "What do you think about your father's new job? We are in society now, aren't we?" She used her fingers to emphasise the word society. They were going to be recognised now, looked upon and feared. The Whitlock family name was finally restored to its proper pureblood status.

  "You mean our father is working with Lucius Malfoy? And we are in a society filled with scumbags and pricks?" Eli's tone was not welcoming. "I think you should keep your nose out of people's business."

  "I'm not a child, Eli."

  He laughed and it earned him another smack in the face. This time he grabbed the pillow and threw it across the room.

Screams Into Dreams // d.m.Where stories live. Discover now