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  Maeve was completely sure that the purebloods had too much money on their hands. There was no other reason other than the balls and the parties they keep on throwing for no apparent reason. This being the second ball she attended in a month and she was already sick of it. She dreamt about them when she was younger. Wearing puffy ball gowns and prince charming in a room that befitted a queen. It was divine in her head. You really have to be careful about what you wish for, she thought.

  This time she wore an old red dress that her mother recently made for her with some leftover fabric in her shop. It has short sparkly sleeves and some intricate design near the chest area. She felt that the dress was too long for her but the short pump heels her mother forced her to wear made it just right. It was a beautiful dress no doubt, much more elegant than any other dresses she has but Maeve would trade it for some sneakers and jeans any day. However, attending this ball was the only condition to lift her punishment for pushing Draco Malfoy to the bloody pool.

  She was left to her own devices at this ball. It was hosted by the Greengrass family and was supposed to be a charity event but it was anything but. Her mother was busy talking to a group of women who seemed to eye her up and down, stalking it's new prey. Her father was glued to Lucius Malfoy's side. Eli must have slipped out of the room by now. She stayed at the far right corner, near the refreshments table, downing her fourth glass of blue lemonade. Her hands would shake slightly when a witch or wizard passed by.

  "Thought you'd look better." Someone called from behind her and she turned to look.

  She knew she should not call a boy beautiful, but it was all she could think of when she saw him. He looked like he was her age. Short buzz cut hair neatly trimmed with a smile so bright she squinted a bit. His black tie was neatly folded and centered along with an expensive suit that matches.

  It was boys like this that she detested the most. Eli called them stuck up pricks.

  "Blaise Zabini." He extended his hand, "I heard a lot about you."

  She looked at his hand and backed up to his blue eyes, "Likewise."

  Oh Maeve knew about him alright. He was one of the many fools that was becoming Malfoy's pathetic army. She knew Malfoy was nothing but a pathetic boy hiding behind his friends but Zabini was not a smart one either. He was charming to say the least, could swoon every girl in class even the third years. Crab and Goyle somehow worship his feet and kiss Malfoy's shoes every single day.

  "Really? Care to switch some information?"

  Maeve barked a laugh, "I'd rather not."

  He smirked and leaned forward. Maeve took a step back for good measure. "And why not, Whitlock?"

  "I don't think your leader would appreciate you talking to me. Wouldn't want to get you into trouble now."

  "So you care if I do get into trouble?"

  "I didn't say that."

  He laughed this time, a little more genuinely. His eyes sparkled a bit as some light from the chandelier above reflected his face. Maeve somehow understood why they all swoon, but he was the same to her. A stuck-up pureblood that she should be 'grateful' for.

  "You're not as lame as they say you are." He eyed her top to toe and she resisted the urge to knee him in the balls. "The dress is kind of sad but at least you have some spite to cover how pathetic you actually are."

  Boy, these Slytherin purebloods sure know how to get on her nerves. And what is their problem with her anyway? She has been nothing but quiet and amiable. She thought her parents blended well with the others. Granted they're still new to this whole charade, but by blood, shouldn't she belong here? Even if Maeve felt anything but.

Screams Into Dreams // d.m.Where stories live. Discover now