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They had planned to meet in a cafe but an urgent work meeting came up and the plan had to be altered. Taehyung told Jimin to wait for him in the office parking lot. He obliged. He messaged him when he was about to enter.

Jimin parked his car but did not get out. He switched on the AC and waited for Taehyung to come. Half a minute later, he saw Taehyung walking into the lane where his car was parked. He honked to grab his attention. He turned and quickly made his way towards his car, got in and without wasting time said, 'What did you find?'

Jimin could see the urgency in his eyes.

'Yoongi was having an affair with a young man. He is twenty-two years old. His name is Ryle Davis and he used to play tennis with her at some Paul Tennis Academy."

Taehyung's heart sank. Yoongi's words---you are my first outside marriage--echoed in his mind. And each word felt like a slap. He knew the tennis academy Jimin had mentioned. One of his colleagues from the industry who was also a friend, Simon, the developer of a mobile wallet app, used to go there for his tennis sessions. He'd invited Taehyung many times, but tennis had never excited him as a sport.

'Are you all right?' Jimin asked, realizing Taehyung had sunk into silence.

'Yeah.' Taehyung wasn't all right but this was not the time to feel bad. 'Did Kristina mention any timeline?'

'Kristina got to know him last year around August. She doesn't know when the affair began.

'Did Yoongi tell Kristina this himself?'

'No. She spotted them in the smoking zone of a pub, cosying up to each other. When she asked hi., Yoongi confessed and asked her to keep it confidential.'

Now that he thought about it, Taehyung realized that he and Yoongi never went to pubs and nightclubs together. He did propose it once but Yoongi told him that his husband might spot them and get suspicious. Hence, they dropped the plan. He never brought it up again. And now after hearing this little story of Ryle and Yoongi getting intimate in pubs, Taehyung didn't know if he should feel bad about himself or simply laugh at the irony.

'Anything else?' he asked.

'This is all I could get.'

"Hmm. Thanks, Jimin. See you later,' he said and got out of his car. Jimin's gaze followed his car as it disappeared out of the parking lot, and then he sat still for some time, hoping he was wrong. That he wasn't as damaged as he had seemed.

Once in office, sitting by the window in his cabin with a black coffee, Taehyung opened Yoongi's Instagram profile. It wasn't difficult to find Ryle Davis in his 'following' list. Ryle was also following him. Taehyung noticed Ryle was pretty popular. He had 750K followers and his profile even had the blue tick verification mark. As he read Ryle's bio, he realized he was a national-level tennis player and had also appeared in a couple of youth reality shows.

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