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6 weeks later

No ones POV

Life had been good. Too good. Natasha and Wanda were living there lives, loving every second of it. Wanda had gotten a lot closer with Clint and his family and the kids even started to call Wanda Aunty Wanda.

Lila got even closer with Natasha. She would try spend every minute of the day with her if she could. She would ask her to play games with her and draw and read with her. She would make sure to leave a space on her side of the couch for Natasha to sit in.

Wanda and Laura teamed up to bake and when Laura got to tired and sat out the icing of the cupcakes they had made she tag teamed in Cooper. Who started to love baking with his Aunty Wanda, it became one of his new favourite things to do apart from playing football with his father.

When the kids went to sleep the two couples would watch movies together, Play board games or even just sit and talk or on other nights they would split off and the Nat and Wanda would do their own thing. Like dancing in the dark or sitting on the porch swing looking up at the stars.

However although life was great out in the country side. Back in the city of New York Tony was uncovering new and horrifying life threatening threats.

"Thanos" Bruce repeated the name of the Titan as Himself, Wong, Doctor Strange and Tony were trying to understand what was going on.

In fact let's rewind half an hour before this conversation. Bruce had been on a spaceship with Thor and Loki when Thanos took over the ship. Killing majority of the people on board apart from Thor. Thor watched as his best friend died along with his brother who tired to save them.

Bruce who was formally the Hulk was sent through a portal back to earth and when he landed he had no memory of what previously happened before the ship. All he knew was Thanos was coming and he was coming for the Infinity Stones.

"What does he want" Tony asked looking towards the Sourcer Supreme and the Doctor. "He wants to wipe out half the population. He needs all six infinity stones"

"Sorry infinity stones what's are those?"

"The Six stones Space, Reality, Soul, Power mind and Time" Doctor strange opened his eye of Agamotto. Showing off the tiny green glowing rock.

"Well if he's after the stones why don't we just flush this one down a toliet?" Tony chuckles to himself thinking it was a smart idea.

Stephen held his head in disappointment while Wong shook his.

They kept talking trying to maybe figure out a plan on what to do until all that was heard from outside the door was screaming.

Tony was first to step out trying to see what the commotion was. Men, Women and Children running past his at full speed. Cars had been abandoned in traffic. A heavy wind blowing in their direction blowing whatever rushing was left on the ground.

A massive round wheel like structure was coming towards them.

"Stand back" Strange yelled while magicking up a smell to shoot at it for it too do nothing but blow the window away from them.

Tony rolled his eyes before stepping closer toward the structure that had now stopped a couple of metres away from them. A beam of light shooting out of it and two weird looking aliens appeared.

The small group wakes closer stopping a metre or two away from them. "Heard me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributi-"

"I'm sorry earth is closed today" Tony shouted completely cutting the Alien off. "Do you better pack it up and get out of here"

"Stone keeper" Strange looked towards the alien. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X NatWhere stories live. Discover now