3. field trip??

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A/N: this hasn't had much actual writing so this chapter won't have texting but for sure the next chapter for sure will. I own nothing but the plot.

Peter's POV

It's been a few months since I've been talking to Black Blood. She's nice and it's easy to talk to her. I think Ned and Mj have noticed I haven't been talking to them as much so I might need to text Black Blood a little less.

~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Third POV

Once Peter got to school, getting there a minute before the bell rings. He met up with his friends and managed to get out of Flash's way before he saw Peter.

In global studies, Peter was thinking about what Black Blood looked like and where she worked, and what she was doing while his teacher was explaining the homework.

"Mr. Parker!" Peter woke up from his daydreaming. "Yes, Mr. Johnson?" "Could you answer this question on the board?" Mr. Johnson questioned. "Europe," Peter answered quickly, understanding what his teacher was trying to do. "As that is correct I would appreciate it if you would pay attention in my class"

Towards the end of class, Mr. Johnson stopped the class to announce something. "And before you leave we have a field trip to the Stark Tower in a week. So make sure to grab and get the permission slip and get it signed before Monday." Everyone was so excited, especially Peter.

"Peter!!" Ned almost screamed. "Are you excited about the field trip???" "Well, obviously can you imagine if we met some of the avengers? I would love to meet Dr. Bruce Banner. He's amazing, or Hawkeye?" Peter rambled quickly. "I can't wait but I doubt we'd meet any but it would be amazing if we did!"

After his last class, Peter prayed he wouldn't run into Flash, since he avoided him this morning he would get hurt even more. Sadly Peter ran right into him. "Well Parker, I missed you this morning. How come?" Peter's spider-sense started to go off but he ignored it.

(A/N: time skip because I cannot write a fight scene for my life)

After about 15 minutes of Flash beating Peter up, both physically and verbally Flash finally left him alone. Peter left the school with a black eye and a bleeding lip but just left it alone. He checked the time and noticed he had a lot of time before May got home so he decided to go on patrol.

————————————————————————  A little cliffhanger but whatever let me make you suffer a little. I have no idea what to say just wanna say. AJR is amazing, if you don't like them, get out you aren't welcome. kidding. Or am I???

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