New and Old Faces

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Hello readers and welcome to the next chapter of Return of the White Dragon! Now this may confuse you as to why we are not with Yusei or whatever, but all I can say is this. This is about you! Not him! These next few chapters are focused on what's happening to you during the events of The Facility, Fire It Up, The Lockdown Duel, and The Take Back. Watching them I came to the conclusion that these episodes take place over the span of three days. So that's three days of "What might happen".

BE WARNED! This chapter does depict violent and graphic scenes. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS!

Thank you for reading this little PSA of mine, and now let's get on with the story.


[(Y/N)'s POV]

The drive down to the Sector Security Headquarters was by far one of my most silent and nerve racking ever. I mean, sure I came here to Domino City in a not very legal manner, but still. What could Rex Goodwin, the Director of New Domino City, want with me? Is it because of that duel? Maybe it has to do something about that dragon that appeared out of thin air? The only thing I knew for certain was that I was tired. I felt depleted after my dragon forced its way out with my psychic powers. I just need to get back to the ruined park so I can get some rest. About ten minutes of driving later we arrived at the building. The first thing that I took note on was the lack of lighting. Only a few lights were on, and there were a whole bunch of people inside. I park my runner by the entrance, as did the officers, and we walked up to the front door.

Officer 1: "This way, sir."

(Y/N): "Why the pleasantries? I don't usually meet officers who are nice."

Officer 1: "You are the Director's guest, and we've been ordered to extend every courtesy. Please follow us to his office."

I step through the doors and what I see can only be described as administrative chaos. People were running from one end of the lobby to the other. Some were in blue jumpsuits working at power panels and terminals while officers and security staff were trying to keep things together. If things were bad on the ground floor, then the rest of the building must be in a similar state. Then again, I didn't see that many buildings lit on the way here. Whatever happened at the stadium must've done something to the power grid. I saw my escort waving me over to the elevator trying to do their jobs. Carefully I made my way through the sea of people until I reached the elevator. The doors opened and all three of us stepped inside.

The ride up was quiet as the basic calm elevator music was playing. It took a minute, but we reached the top floor. The administrative level. The doors opened and we stepped inside. The carpet was a grey color, and the walls were a plain peach, but the room was decorated with various paintings, vases, and sculptures. I could breathe in the money that went into this room and it made me sick. Directly in front of me was a large wooden desk. It had a plant on it, and a few other items of little concern, and a computer. In the chair however was the big man himself. He was going over some documents of some sort or another as the city was covered in darkness. The two officers went back into the elevator descending down to the ground floor. Now all that remained was me and Goodwin.

Lazar: "We meet again. Nice night, is it not?"

(Y/N): 'Of course...'

Lazar: "I hope your ride here wasn't too uncomfortable. We wanted you to feel welcome."

(Y/N): "And yet, I can sense your hidden intentions, little man... As well as your fear."

Lazar backed away with a nervous chuckle and a scared gulp. That made me smile, and thankfully, one that they could not see thanks to my mask. I turned my attention back to Goodwin approaching his desk. He noticed this and turned to face me in kind. We both stared at each other as the silence was getting to Lazar. He was so easy to scare. Goodwin stood up from his seat, setting down his paperwork, and extending a hand to me.

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