Dare # 7

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White0ut-Vixen Dares:

Here's a pleasantly vengeful dare [for MA]: Beat some sense in USSR. And remember, you can always gut the onion like a fish with a knife and/or shoot him, your choice.

MA:  No, I won't do that.

Mittens: Why not, haven't you wanted to do that ever since what happened to Mandara?

MA: Of course I have, he nearly died in my arms, what brother wouldn't want revenge for that, but I know of a little something called morality.  You should never kill for revenge, it only drags you down and puts you lower than them.  I hate Ussr more than anyone in the world, not including Prussia, but I won't give him the satisfaction of ending his life, death is too good for him.  He was dying of cancer anyway back then, that is enough suffering for me, I won't stoop down to his level.

I don't want what happened to Deutsche to happen to me, he killed his father in an act of vengeance and it turned him into the man he hated so much, I won't let history repeat itself.

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