Chapter 2

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I sighed as I came to yet another door. I had spent the summer out of commission- I didn't regret it, I had missed camp and it was good to be back, but that meant a summer's worth of errands had to fit into a few days.

I shook my head and knocked on 4 Privet Drive, Surrey, Dumbledore, had decided to pass this duty off onto me referencing how I managed to keep Harry safe on the way to the train. I shifted uncomfortably, scanning the street. I didn't like being out in the open like this for too long.

Finally, a large pudgy man opened the door and I crinkled my nose. He immediately reminded me of Gabe. Fantom scents drifting from my memory.

"Hi, erm- I'm looking for a Harry?" The man peered at me through slitted eyes,

"You're one of them, aren't you? One of them freaks!" He accused and I looked at him puzzled,

"Huh?" I sighed and leaned back, checking the address, yep this was the right place, "Not sure what you mean, just looking for a Harry Potter,"

"Who is it?" A lengthy woman asked coming up behind the man,

"It's one of the freaks, says he needs the boy," The woman's eyes widened and a look of fear came over her suddenly,

"Well, let him in, we don't need the neighbors gossiping," She hissed, and the man grunted, stepping back. I looked around as I stepped through the doorway, in contrast to the environment I had grown up in, everything was spotlessly clean. I heard the door snap shut behind me and the man shout a quick 'boy' up the stairs before, being ushered, not so friendly, into the living room.

There were quick and silent footsteps and then Harry was standing in the doorway, looking bewildered,

"Percy!" He cried, rushing over to me, "What are you doing here!"

"Well Harry, it's about that time of year where, I've heard, you typically escape this place. Why don't you go pack- Dumbledore wanted me to tell them," I gestured to the couple, "something,"

Harry seemed to hesitate and I snickered,

"The quicker you pack the quicker you can eavesdrop," and then he was gone, "Huh. That boy can move,"

"Well, you two- wait- aren't there supposed to be three of you?" I asked looking around, "Dumbledore said that there were three,"

"Dudley has nothing to do with your world!" the man said, an ugly vein popping out from his fat.

"Right so supposedly wizards turn into adults at 17- which is frankly ridiculous but anyways since he's coming of age he no longer needs to stay here- except for one visit."

"Wait! You talk about the freaks as if you're not one of them!" The man accused advancing on me, "So if you're not one of them then you don't have any power and I want you out of this house. NOW"

I'm not sure if it was my instincts or what Annabeth likes to call 'insolence' or something like that. But Riptide was suddenly at his neck, and I was grinning,

"I don't know why Dumbledore allowed Harry to rot in a place like this for 16 years of his life when it was obvious that he never called this place 'home' but now that I'm here I'm putting my foot down." My grin slipped and I stared at him the way I would face off Tartarus, "He is my student and I will protect my students."

The man whimpered at the end of my sword and I turned to the woman

"Honestly, I've heard your story and I'm not impressed, sure you lost a sister but Harry lost his childhood, so you moping about and taking out your fear on him, a child. You're worse than the gods."

"GodS?" The woman asked softly, the man still whimpering, Harry came down the stairs, his eyes widening at the scene,

"Percy!" he cried, "Don't kill him,"

"Kill?" The man whimpered, his eyes widening even more.

I grinned at Harry and pushed Riptide even further toward the man,

"Don't worry- it's like the ones in class, won't hurt a mor- er muggle," Riptide brushed harmlessly through him and I re-capped it, "Cool let's go,"

I waited for Harry to grab his stuff and make it out the door, before following him.

"So, Dumbledore wanted us to pick up the new Defense Against the Dark Art's professor on our way,"

"Wait. Wouldn't that be your subject though?" Harry asked and I snorted shaking my head, "Dude, I had a student-led class last year, and you're asking me if I'm going to teach it?"

"Nah, I'm going to be teaching an elective this year, swordplay is my forte," I said, as we walked,

"You don't mind taking public transport, do you?"

Aaaand here's another chapter! 

So I kinda forgot to post the Q&A so I'll be doing that next 

But in the meantime- enjoy the new chapter 😊

See ya'll next week!


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