Chapter 11

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I was a little anxious to get back to Blaise, I'm sure he would be fine, but I'm also sure he wouldn't come to me for help unless he was physically dying. I fidgeted when I noticed Harry lingering behind the sixth year's filtering out. 

My eyes flicked over to Draco. making sure he too was stalling before groaning internally and accepting my fate (ha. there's a first time for everything I suppose) 

"Professor!" Harry called when it was just the three of us (and Blaise but they didn't know that) left in the room, "Dumbledore called on me," he said frantically waving a note

"He says to come on Saturday at 8 pm, so do you mind if we cut detention short?" I sighed- thank gods that was it, 

"No, of course, no-," 

"Well. I do." Drace said haughtily raising his head and pinning Harry with a small glare, "Tell that old fart to assign you a different day," 

"Hey! Dumbledore is NOT an 'old fart'!" Harry cried indignantly, but Draco just lifted a shoulder,

"Professor Jackson says he is," Draco said in his 'I just won the argument' voice and I sighed, 

"ALl right you two!" I interjected, "No. I'm not Dumbledore's biggest fan; Yes. Harry, you can miss this one; Yes. I'm sorry Draco,"  

Harry nodded before looking over to Draco apologetically and slipping out, with Draco following with a growl and a huff. 

"So Harry and Draco huh?" Blaise asked leaning on the doorframe. I just rolled my eyes and nodded, going around to sit on my comfy chair behind my desk, 

"There are a few more things we need to cover- but how are you holding up?" I asked waving my hand at him to sit down, 

"Processing, but that's to be expected," He said pulling out a chair and settling himself onto it, 

"Alright, I don't think I need to tell you how big of a secret this is but just coving my bases- Voldywarts is the least of your worries, but he still is an issue- him finding this out can cause major ripples in this war." I paused waiting for Blaise to nod before continuing, "That being said our kind keeps ourselves secret not just for our sake but for others as well- a person's scent changes with the knowledge- meaning the monsters will start attacking the mortals- who have no real defense against them. I mean they can't even see them- I mean some can..." 

"Some can!?" Blaise asked and I shook my head wincing, 

"Right- too much information- Sevy will cover all of this with you," I said, "Just don't tell anyone and ask him about it the first meeting you have," 

(A/n: I cannot tell y'all the number of times I've typed 'y'all' just to have to delete it again!) 

"I won't say anything," He declared and I smiled a bit at him, 

"Thank you," 

"Professor- the next topic?" he asked and I nodded,

"When it comes to the Demigod world, gods and monsters don't play by mortal's rules- when sticking a deal it's best to always swear on the River Styx- Sevy can go into more detail but it's arguably more binding than the Unbreakable Vow. Of course, be careful about what you swear, but it tends to keep both parties semi-honest at least," 

"Better how?" Blaise asked carefully 

"By using this method you're swearing on the fates themselves, -they basically control any and everything that happens to you so if you break an oath on them- well they won't be too happy, and neither will you for the rest of eternity," 

"Eternity... is real?" his voice was just above a whisper so I gave him a smile and shrugged, 

"The underground is, but for mortal it's whatever they believe in- but then again the Norse have their own hotel/casino/warrior hut thingy going on so who knows. But yeah the punishments are real- I once met Tantalus- the dude was a grouch, but you would be too if you were taunted for eternity. 


"Yeah- don't worry about it, he was one of the ones not trying to kill me," I paused frowning, "Well not actively, anyways," Blaise choked but I just waved my hand before opening a drawer of my desk, and drawing out a dagger, and placing it on the desk in front of him. 

"This is 'ανάπτυξη' which roughly means growth," I said, pushing it towards him some more, he took it slowly inspecting it, "Pres that little gem there," I said.

When he did it sprung to its full length with a soft 'shing'.

"It's beautiful," he gasped and I nodded along, 

(A/N: This really is an 'interpret as you wish' moment but I just whipped this up and figured why not

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(A/N: This really is an 'interpret as you wish' moment but I just whipped this up and figured why not... so here it is- ignore if you wish)

"it's important for a demigod to always be armed- only three metals can kill monsters- stygian iron, imperial gold, and what this one is made out of celestial bronze." 

"You're sword," Blaise said and I nodded, 

"It's charmed so that it always returns to me- I'm sure you can accomplish something similar with magic?" I said and his eyes lit up nodding, I chuckled at his excitement, 

"Alright then- that should be everything for now- I'm sure Sevy will drill a few things into your skull before long though," 

"... Thank you, Professor- for everything, truly," He said bowing his head slightly," I grinned 

"It's no problem- kinda my job too, so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask," 

Hey, ya'll! I'll still be posting updating updates in the Q&A so don't forget to check that monthly! Other than that I don't really have any other announcements! 

Until next time! 

@Lucifer_lyssa Welcome to the colony! It's good to have ya!


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