📕Page 1 - New beginnings 📕

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• ——————————————————————— •
Character's :
Amy - 345 Lbs
Mom/Marry - 660 Lbs
Ruby - 480 Lbs
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Page 1 - New beginnings !

8:30 Am

Jake opens his eyes slowly and looked up , he yawned and then got up from his bed, Then he realised it was summer holidays. He got into the shower and brushed his teeth and went to the gym, he worked out for about 3 Hours then headed back home to chill out for a-bit. Jake lived in a small apartment and had barely enough money to rent out a small place so he lived on what he could afford , He walked up the stairs because and the elevator was broken inside of his apartment building and the got he got his key and open the Door after a few tries.

Jake put down his stuff in his room and got a glass of water , then Jake heard a ring from his phone. He rushed and picked it up.

On Phone :

Jake: Hello?

Amy: Hey Jake! , would you like to stay over for the holiday's ?! * she squeal'd *

Jake: Uhh... Sure , I'll pack my stuff and I'll be over at 1:00 Pm , Ok?

Amy: Alright , Love you bye!

Jake: Bye , love you.

End of phone call:

10:30 Am

Jake packed his stuff like shoes shirts and everything else , he then headed out to go get some food for her with the little money he had he was able to get a bucket of chicken from KFC and some 2 litre bottles. Then he got in a taxi and headed of to we're she lives. On the way he realised it was so much more better over we're she lived there was bushes plants and parks mansions and a giant fence... the car halted right in front of the fence. Jake got out and payed the man and he drove off after that and texted Amy to open the gate for him.

Jake stood there for a-bit and saw her waddling down the side walk with a chocolate bar in her left hand. She got up to the door and opens it. She threw the half eaten chocolate and kissed him and she took the bucket of Chicken from him and started to stuff her face

Jake: You ok.. don't eat too fast aswell you might choke!

Amy: mff it's fine Jake !

* Amy's shirt sprung up and her swollen belly was shown*

Amy: URRPP- I can't get my shirt down

* she struggled and tried to pull down her shirt*

Amy gave up and the carried on walking , from the side Amy started bloated up from eating everything. And her belly was wobbling from side to side and by the time they were at her house she had finished all the food and the drinks. As she bent down to get the key from under the door mat Her pants ripped Jake tried jot to say any think because Amy hasn't clocked it.

1:20 Pm

They walked in and Jake got a hello from Amy's mom because she couldn't get up from her wheel chair , from Jake had last seen her she was a lot more thinner and her belly didn't hand down to her knees. And then he said hello to ruby who was quite fat And Amy and Jake went to the kitchen and she sat down.

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