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recently there has been less and less slayers around. we've been moving from town to town and we've even taken out some towns entire population yet there's a lack of slayers.

right now I'm out looking for food while daki is in a place where we can hide from sunlight. "man this is boring." theres no one around to fight. all of a sudden chatter in the distance catches my attention . "oh?" I look to my right to see a woman wearing a white butterfly patterned haori."whats she doing?"

She was kneeled down inspecting some sort of body. actually I think it's a demon. like a butterfly I blinked and she was gone. "hello there." I looked to my right to see her staring me in the eyes. A sudden panic appeared in her eyes as she looked at me.

oh ye I got my number as I'm now upper moon 5. then again if  I were a normal demon slayer and saw an upper I'd probably get scared too.

she clenched her blade and dashed back away from me. "your pretty fast. what's your name?" I said turning to look at her. she was pretty small and had short hair that was purple at the bottom. "so your the replacement for the uppermoon muchiro killed." she said drawing her blade from the sheath.

that's weird. "what's with that flimsy blade? your missing like half of the actual blade." she then dashed and attacked me from the right. I drew my scythe and blocked each shot at me individually to which she jumped back and put her blade back into the sheath. "woah that's some insane attack speed are you a hashira?"

"shut up demon I have no buissnes speaking with you." she spat each word filled with envy. "ouch that's rude." I said gripping my chest. there was something there that I could feel yet I couldn't reach it. her eyes then suddenly widened. what's she staring at. "w-where did you get that haori." she said with one hand over her mouth.

"oh this thing? I don't know actually I just have it." that's what she's so shocked about? what's so special about this haori. "I-i can't... d-do it.." do what? what's she talking about. "hey you look like you've seen a ghost something wrong? maybe your scared?" I said taunting her. like how she appeared she also suddenly disappeared. huh what a weird experience.

shinobu POV:

"t-there's no w-way... why would h-he...." no there is no way the y/n I knew would do something like that without reason. the guy I loved wouldn't do something like that without reason... "I'll find a way to save him.. and then I'll tell him my true feelings."

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