Day 309 befor the 'end'

16 3 0

Hi there how are you?
Lets just assume you're all good because truthfully I don't care.
Ahhhh I can hear all the questions like "who is this bitch?"
Let's just call me anonymous we wouldn't want the police finding me would we?
And no I'm not a murderer ohhh no I'm way worse I'm an activist someone who
Actually knows how to think for themselves in a world full of Kim Kardashian wannabes
(If you do not know who she is considered your self lucky) I'm getting off track because I love you all so much im letting you trace back the events before the "end" and what is the "end"? I hear you ask your just going to have to stick around to find out.


309 days before

Dear people of earth
Today has been a pain in the ass
Too much shit going down at school
Well I was kinda my fault but he was being an asshole
When I say he I mean headmaster James middlemen, the most egotistical asshole of a man you will ever meet he's pissed that I was protesting over racial iniquities at the school while he was having a fun raising event and may or may not of bursts in to the
Event with 100 or more people with a bull horn screaming that the school had not stopped racial slurs being use in class and around campus and openly excepted racism inevitability losing thousands of dollars of crucial"funding" for staff which we all knew meant a pay rise for him or one of the other teachers non of that money would ever put into the school just to feed that fat tub of lard.

It was an adrenaline rush so much fun looking at the shocked faces of posh stuck up assholes but there was one face one beautiful face in the sea of ugly with shining pair of dazzling green eyes so perfect eyes which shone with amusement and a face like a Greek god Oh that jaw line he looked around my age (18)that face with be forever in printed in my mind don't get me wrong I'm not in to white guys but he is hot but I don't have time for guys as I was zoned out the police came yep and as you can guess I ran faster than usan bolt out of there shit I am not dealing with the police shit they have GUNS which could kill a bitch well talk to you tomorrow.

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