Season 1 - Independence Day

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Gotham City; July 4th; 12:00 EDT

Mr. Freeze is attacking picnickers in Gotham City park, many people run in fear only to be frozen in ice. One family stares at the cliff he's standing on in shock.

Mr. Freeze: Enjoying family time? (Freezes the family) My family has other plans.

He slides down the ramp going from the cliff and takes aim at the running citizens, only for a batarang to throw off his aim.

Mr. Freeze: Batman. I was wondering when-

He turns to see no one there, only a childish laughter echoing around him. From above, a black shadow appears hover his head. However, what lands on him isn't Batman, but his protege, Robin.

Robin knocks the ice villain down, then throws two more birdarangs at Freeze's helmet, that ends up cracking it

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Robin knocks the ice villain down, then throws two more birdarangs at Freeze's helmet, that ends up cracking it.

Mr. Freeze: Oh. Boy Wonder. The bat sent you to drag me off to prison. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed. (He stands back up and aims his ice gun at Robin)

Robin: Great, but I'm kind of in a hurry here.

Mr. Freeze: (Annoyed) Kids, always in such a rush.

Robin: (Sing-song) Not talking to you.

Freeze looks confused, so Robin points behind him. Freeze then turns to see Batman arrive with a flying punch to the face, breaking the glass of his helmet.

Star City main bridge; July 4th; 9:01 PDT

Icicle Jr. lands and ices up the bridge, before he uses his powers to create a shell of ice. After he knocks cars off balance and many of them to crash, he starts laughing maniacally right before arrows start raining down on him. The arrows are in 2 colors: green and red. Three green fletched arrows and 2 fletched arrows. He pauses for a moment only for another green arrow to hit him in his left shoulder. The nock of the arrow starts blinking red before blowing up. The explosion knocks him off balance and sends him towards the other arrows that then blow up and knock him back to where he was. As the head trauma begins to ease he turns his head looking to one of the towers on the bridge. On the tower was Green Arrow and his partner Speedy and the both of them aim another arrow at the ice-themed villain.

Icicle Jr.: (Growling) Finally! I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here.

His left arm starts to grow and becomes more mace-like in style. He moves his arm back and begins to launch icicles at the archers, he did the same thing with his right arm that seemed to mirror his left arm. As the icicles were being launched at them, the archers began to release the arrows with ease.

Speedy: (Surprised) Junior's doing this for attention?

The first batch of icicles explode due to their arrows, but the second set still come through. This forces the archers to run across the towers width and down to the suspender. They continue to launch arrows, and dodge the ice that cements to where it hits before growing.

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