Big bad vampire

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*warning this chapter may include sensitive topics like abuse and domestic violence*


I'm on the road with Caroline who is in the driver seat while I sit in the passenger seat. For the most of the ride I just look out the window looking at the trees we pass by and the houses.

After quite some time, Caroline starts asking me some questions to start a conversation, which I don't mind.

"So, Tell me more about your family" she ask while turning her attention to me then back on to the road.
" well my dad and my mom got a divorce when I was about 5. After the divorce my mom just disappeared and I lived with my dad. Then at the age of  6 my dad got remarried to my stepmother" I say
"Did you and your step mother get along?"
" um we weren't really close"
"Well, what about you and your dad? I'm sure you guys were close"
" we used to be but ever since he marry my stepmother he just got busy with work and wouldn't be home as often"

After my dad marry that monster that he called his wife. He wasn't home as often he would be in Portland talking with the other coven leaders. But whenever he was home it would be the best days because I wouldn't get hit by Evelyn ...even saying her name still gives me chills. But when he left that's when the hitting , name calling would start again.

"Bye Nora I love you. I'll see you in a few weeks okay!"my dad say while getting in the car and waving at me.
"Bye dad I love you too. I'll see you too!" I said waving back at him.
  All of a sudden the door gets slam shut. I turn around shaking in horror to face the woman that has been making my life a nightmare day by day, night by night.
"You pathetic! Little girl" she spat at me " I don't know how your father could ever love a freak! Like you. You are a disgrace to our coven"  she looks at me with such disgust and pure hatred in her eyes.
" I'm not a freak" I mumbled
" what was that! Huh would you like to repeat that?" She shouts why grabbing a fist full of my hair.
I hiss in pai-

                        •end of flashback•

"Hello? Earth to Nora" she says waving her hand in my face.
" oh um I must of dosed off or something. Sorry what were you saying?"
"I was saying that we're here at my house" she says but from her facial expressions I can't tell that she is confused on why I "dosed" off

" oh um right, we should get going" I say while unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of car.
We then start walking inside the house. " so, how do you like my house." She ask while spinning around showing off her house. "I like it, it's quite cozy" I tell her
"Well I'm glad you like it" she says with a smile on her face.

"I'm gonna get snacks and a blanket, make yourself at ho-" she soon gets interrupted by someone walking in her house. " hey blonde where have you been" male voice says when I look to see who it is, it's the one and only Damon Salvatore I have heard many things
about him.

" Damon!, what the hell are you doing in my house" Caroline shouts at him
"Your mom let me I- who is she" he ask Caroline while pointing towards me.

"I'm Nora, Nora woods" I say while put my hand out signaling for him to shake it but he just looks at me then my hand and ignores my gesture.

"Not up for a handshake I see, I'm a friend of Caroline" I tell him " blonde can I speak with you, Alone" he ask. Before she can even respond he takes a hold of wrist and takes her to the kitchen.

Well..that's what I get for being nice

I go sit on the couch and listen using my vamp hearing. "Is she a vampire?"Damon ask.
"No!" Caroline says
" is she a witch or a werewolf?" He ask again
" No, Damon she is a freaking human!" She says with utter annoyance
" does she know about supernatural?" He ask her
"I don't know but I'm pretty sure she doesn't" she says
" I'm gonna go ask her" He says while trying to leave the kitchen.
"Damon I swear. you better not compel her" Caroline warn him
"then how am I supposed to know if she is telling the truth?" He ask
" fine you can compel her but after that you're done, got it" she states
"Fine , fine" Damon says and I hear his footsteps getting closer that's when I I stop using my vamp hearing.

"Hey Dora, I have some questions for you" Damon says walking towards me.
" the name is Nora not dor-"
"Yeah , yeah whatever" he says Interrupting me.

Then he looks me in the eyes try to compel me
" do you know about the supernatural?" He ask me.
" no" I say playing along.
"Are you a supernatural" he ask.
" no" I say, " forget that I ever ask you this" then looks at the Caroline
" I guess you were right" he says walking away from me.
" right about what?" I ask acting all clueless,

"nothing" Caroline says giving Me a smile. I get up from the couch while looking at the time
" wow it's 5pm already?, I'm sorry Caroline but I have to go home" I tell her
" already? But you just got here?" She says "yeah I'm sorry but we can hangout nex-"
"why are you leaving so soon huh?" Damon questions while interrupting me
"it's getting late and I have to head back ho-"
" you sure that's why you're leaving" he questions again cutting me off. "Damon!" Caroline shouts.
"Um excuse me? Are you assuming that I'm lying or?" I say while letting out a little laugh.
"I don't know?, are you lying" he ask
"Well Damon I'm not lying, it's getting late I also have a friend that is waiting for me at home. So if you'll excuse me I'm gonna head out." I say while heading out not before I turn around
" you should watch what you say Damon, one day it might come back to haunt you." I say looking at him in the eye then I look at Caroline " bye Caroline I'll see you tomorrow" and
With that I leave and walk out the door.


"Damon what the hell was that!" I shout at the dumb idiot standing infront of me
"I don't trust that girl, there's something off about her"
"I'm being serious blonde I think she is a vampire"
" her being a vampire? Yeah right there is no way in hell she is a vampire" I say not believing the fact that he thinks that my friend is a vampire.
" I'm telling you blonde something not right about her"
" whatever Damon just go home" I tell him while push him out the door.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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