New Chracter: Chifuyu

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First meet-

You basically already knew him since you were in the middle school, 'cause Chifuyu and your brother Baji were best friends.


*He's super fun to hang-out with
*When you guys were kids. You, Baji and Chifuyu always had a good time hanging-out
*Baji slipped on ice during christmas one time and fell on his BoOtY
*You guys laughed your asses off and just couldn't help it

You tell him you like him-

*You guys were planning to just hang-out without Baji 'cause he was taking forever
*Then you bursted out that you liked him
*He seemed shocked, but flustered at the same time
*He then hugged you with happiness and said he liked you back

When you guys go on a date-

*He wants his dates to be like in the Shojo Manga
*So he would try to make it like that and be as romantic as he can
*He gave you flowers, chocolates and everything
*At night you guys laid on the picnic blanket and starred off into the stars

Surprise hugs from behind-

*He would be a little startled
*He would hug you back with his gentle, soft hands
*But to ruin the moment he tackled you
*Which you didn't mind

Pick-up lines they use-

'Evenn if there wasn't any gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you'

*You looked at him blushy blushy
*Then proceeded to just die
*Until he went to check up on you
*He chukled at you afterwards

Giving them a kiss-

*You were nervous to be honest
*Once he turned away though, you just went for it
*He was shocked, but kissed you back anyways
*But you pulled apart from the kiss and hid your face in his shirt

When you guys tried making-out-

*It was very awkward at first 'cause you guys didn't know what to do
*So he decided to be a man and start it
*He would hold your waist while making-out though
*You liked it to be honest, his soft lips on yours was a dream

Are you in the gang or not-

*Yes, but he will not allow you to go to any gang fights
*Unless you wanna see from the sidelines
*If anything bad were to happen to you, he would imediately tell his boss and the whole gang would start a fight to protect you
*Your like another sister they have and want to protect, Chifuyu on the other hand loves you very deeply

When you wear his gang jacket-

*He loves it on you
*He adored you so much and treated you like a queen
*But he would not let you wear all day 'cause he needs it to represent his gang at gang meetings
*Besides you guys can share it (For example:You hug his waist while he puts his jacket around himself, but with you hugging him.)

Making you cry during an argument-

(To be honest I can't imagine him making you cry, he's to polite and soft towards you)

How they cuddle you-
(Go to that specific scenario if needed)

Sweetheart's hug

*His cuddles are also gentle and soft
*He can't let go of you
*besides he wants to feel like he's protecting you
*He would adore you for as long as he is awake

How many times you guys break up-

None, he's the best thing ever

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