Chapter 1 - Cause I'm So High, My Brain Can't Even Look at the Fall

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Everyone and their mum knew about the gods. Knew that they actually existed, knew that they liked to interfere in human affairs a little too often, knew that, without them, they wouldn't have half the technology they did. They wouldn't have access to the nether, or certain crafting recipes. There wasn't anything more that TommyInnit could have asked from them. Drista was a friend to him, and that was all he wanted from her.

But then Dream escaped the prison. Tommy's own brother and father broke him out. It wasn't even the brother Tommy expected to betray him like that.

He forgave Phil — the man got his son back due to Dream, and before then he'd been living in a dream of his own design. Plus, Techno meant a lot to him, and they were more than partners, friends... They were just as much father and son as he and Wilbur had been, as he and Tommy were.

So now he was making layers upon layers of wall around his dirt shack, gearing up in full netherite, and working on getting enchantments he normally wouldn't bother trying so hard to get. Full prot would be nice. He didn't want to die at Dream's hands again. He'd encountered the man thrice since his grandiose escape, which got Ranboo brutally murdered, but Tommy said his piece at the funeral, and now enjoyed Ghostboo's company freely. He learned his lesson: Ghosts are meant to be cherished for what they are rather than for what they're not, while they're still here. The people eaten out with internal rage at the fact that they'd lost someone... Never treated Ghostbur like he was a person. He was better than Alivebur.

And now Tubbo was looking at Ghostboo like he'd tasted something particularly sour. Tommy wasn't really sure of what to do about it.

He was rather focused on trying to evade Dream's latest traps. He blocked up all the hidden tunnels under his base that Dream made to watch him.

He did all that was necessary to survive. So why didn't he feel any more safe?

Anyways. The gods. Right. DreamXD had his mortal friends, his pets, his companions. Because George was so easy to spend time with, he was easily the god's personal favourite. All the gods had their favourites. While Drista's used to be her brother, seeing what he did to her best friend, her TommyInnit, she disowned him as her favourite and her brother so easily that it surprised her. But then she watched as his own mother did the same thing, and she felt a little less awful.

That's probably when she began to realise that... she could do more than just disown him for Tommy's sake. Well. When Dream pummelled his skull in, that's when she fully stopped feeling guilty and started feeling angry. The rage seethed and bubbled up inside her like the fire of a thousand suns. And she was the goddess of the people, the goddess of fun and chaos and laughter. So it surprised everyone, including herself, when Pandora's Vault shook violently.

She paid her ex-brother a visit.

He begged and screamed for mercy. She wouldn't give it.

Tommy was gone. Kristin was busy, and she had no control over hell anyways, just helping the dead pass the gates. Drista was infuriated beyond her own control.

"I can revive him!" the man shouted, in one last ditch effort to live. He was dealing with some pretty bad burns from Drista's green fire, but he was still breathing, and thank Prime for that because the chaos goddess heard him out. He could use his book to revive Tommy. She told him to do it, or else. And she disappeared into thin air.

He did end up reviving the blond teen, and Drista let out a sigh of relief.

She had business to attend to, so she didn't reappear on the surface for months afterwards. She was searching the multiverse, travelling to different universes, for one sole purpose. To find Tommy a new home, a place to stay where Dream wasn't going to hurt him. She returned only after finding the perfect place, but the server was nearly in shambles by the time she got back. She had to hurry, find Tommy, and transfer him to his new home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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