There were dozens of people crowded around me, everyone with an awed expression on their face as if they'd been awoken from a long slumber. Too many questions to count came flying at me and I didn't know how to respond. Even after I started truly believing I had never thought about actually being able to break the curse, let alone what would happen afterwards. Henry had been so insistent that this would fix everything and I had let myself believe that it would be that simple. I pushed my way past the large group of newly awakened storybook characters. Even after all this I still believe that I am the Sheriff and have a responsibility to this town. I needed to see that nobody was i too much of a panic. If it were me that had been awakened from a cure and now had two conflicting worlds in my head, I'd be starting a riot, and I had to make sure that nobody else had the same idea. For a while I just walked around, surveying the town that I had come to think of as my home. Most people could been seen kissing, hugging, crying, or arguing in the middle of the street for all to see. It seems that many people were taken from their realm with unfinished business.
After a while I started to head towards the sheriff's office. Just as I was about to make the turn back I spotted Mary Margaret, David, and a group of about seven other men. They were all hugging and talking. They didn't notice me at first so as approached them I heard a bit of their conversation.
"Charming! Emma found us, I knew she would!" Mary Margaret cheered as she hugged David once more.
"I hadn't a doubt, Snow!" David told her as he stroked her hair lovingly.
For a moment I was awestruck. I had never thought that I would actually meet my parents. When I was little I used to dream about who they were, what they looked like, why they gave me up. I didn't know how to react to the confirmation of Henry's theory about who they were. There was no way that I was prepared for this.
"So, it's true,then," I said more than asked. When they turned to face me their cheerful faces turned caring and slightly unsure. They looked at each other at the same exact time and then looked at me but a moment later.
"Emma," Mary Margaret began. She didn't know what else to say though. For a few minutes we stood there awkwardly as the dwarfs began to go their own way.
Finally, I walked up to them,staring at them both i the eyes. I could see a bit if family resemblance. I had gotten David's strong facial features and Mary Margaret's eyes. Still don't know where I got the hair from, though.
Suddenly we all just resorted to hugging like it was Full House or something. For once I didn't mind the mushiness.
"Emma, my sweet sweet, darling Emma," Mary Margaret said into my ear.
"Emma, you found us. You saved us," David told me in a fatherly tone.
"We love you," she began.
" much," David finishes for her.
I was still thinking of them as Mary Margaret and David, and I don't think that I'll ever completely rid myself of the habit. It was nice how they weren't waiting for me to tell them I loved them too. I did love Mary Margaret but I didn't even know Snow White. And I never even really knew David. I couldn't say that I loved them before I meant it.
Curse Broken
FanfictionThis is my take on what happened after the curse was broken in Once Upon A Time. Family reunions, love ones reunited, and how people react to having all their memories back.