V. Not Over

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First Day...

"Thank you, officer."

Jungkook almost wanted to vomit seeing the bitch now smiling sweetly at the leaving officer after the problem was finally settled. Her smile too contrasting to how she irritatingly acted all to bitchy towards him earlier. He shook his head before turning to leave as well. His time was wasted for this shit.

"Wait." She suddenly called him in his language making him halt before he could get to his car. For a look of pure Thai, her fluent Korean still left him in wonder. It was one of the reasons why their argument lasted longer than expected. He happened to complain and curse her in his language out of frustration thinking she wouldn't understand a word, which she actually did, that led the simple argument pertaining to the cars turn to something deep.

"What?" He dropped as he turned and raised a brow at her.

"Well... I was just thinking that now we're finally settled, ...would you mind if I ask for your number?"

Jungkook was astounded. Imagine such casual words suddenly coming out from the same venomous mouth which not a minute ago were accusing him of nonsense to stand her ground.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your Phone Number." She stressed each word.

"What for?"

"Well, don't you think I at least deserve to have it for eventually accepting the blame like that even though we know it wasn't entirely my fault?"

He furrowed his brows at her for a moment in confusion. And upon seeing the same glint of amusement shine in her eyes again, realization finally dawned him.

"Ah..." he drawled almost laughingly. His tongue poked his inner cheek as his eyes met her confident ones, looking at her in pure disbelief and judgement. Seriously, just how funnier could this woman get?

"But why would you want it though?" He added with a tone quite daring now knowing where this conversation is going.

"Because you're the very first man I angered to death. And it was actually fun, you know? If only you could have seen how hot and amusing you were when you furrow those brows and grit your teeth. It makes me want to keep you." She replied with a smirk, the amusement in her eyes more prominent.

He wanted to scoff. So it turns out this cocky bitch is attracted to him. And now she wants his contact. But after all this trouble she caused him? "Sorry, but no."

And he left.

The Next Day...

"Greetings, Mr. Jeon. What a pleasure to finally meet the young successor of Jeon Corporation. I still feel bad I wasn't able to go to Korea myself to meet you."

There greeted one of the most influential Thai-Korean businessman whom Jungkook had been wanting to meet. The man was that significant for him to fly all the way here in Thailand to personally meet him for business purposes.

Although he never expected their meeting to turn out like this.

"I-It's more of my pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Manoban." He greeted back, failing to keep his composure -which is so not him. Why? Because he could very well feel the strong gaze of the secretary the man brought along.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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