8. A Snake's Desire (1) 🔞

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In the air, our breathless moans and laborious breathings mixed with the obscene echoes of lapping and slurping.

As though he is driven ravenous by the sweet, lascivious sounds, Aquila's kisses shift from my lips to my brow, nose and chin. At the same time, his palms gently but possessively trace downward to my hips where they halt and hold. Without warnings, he gets to his knees with me straddling his waist as he kneels on the bed.

"Ah!" I cling onto him, reflexively hugging him tightly to steady myself.

In this position, I can feel the hard contours of his muscular body press up titillatingly against mine. All the while, I feel the hot pulsing shaft straining in between our navels more profoundly through our clothes.

Curious, I reach down with one hand to touch it - my eyes still comfortably close.

"Nngh..." Aquila's responsive groan is suppressed against my throat when I jab the meaty crown.

"What is it?" Inquiring this, I grab it in one hand as I open my eyes to look at him. Aquila inhales sharply in turn. It makes me even more daringly curious when I size it up in my palm. The shaft feels terribly hot and hard. It pulsates and twitches in my grip even through his garment.

Alarmingly, it's so large that I can't even fit it my grip. Feeling more excited than curious, I squeeze it hard while leaning in to lick his ear in my sight, "Tell me--"

"Haah...!" Aquila jerks from my action before sinking his teeth playfully into my neck, "Are you that curious? Hm?" He asks hoarsely before withdrawing his lips from my throat to sucks on my earlope. He whispers suggestively "...I can show it to you, if you like--Nngh--"

I give the hot throbbing thing a strong yank before leaning away to stare at it in my clasp--

"Haah...you little nymph! Don't pull so hard or you'll regret it...haah," Aquila's head slumps on my left shoulder as he breaths in short gasps. All the while, his hands languidly caressing my body as if he couldn't bear to stop.

I feel so thrilled by his reactions that I become bolder, "Show me!" I demand as I stroke upward along the hot staff. There is a patch of wetness on the top soaking the spot of his toga covering it so I swipe it sideways with my thumb.

"Nngh--haa," Aquila bites my shoulder before straightening up. "All right. But first let go of it for a bit," he says when I lift my mesmerized gaze to his deeply flushed face. There's raw desire in his that I shiver in anticipation. From my secret place down below, I feel molten wetness leaks out continuously.

In the instance I release the hardened object to lean back, bracing my palms on the sheets, Aquila begins to undress. I feel my legs bestriding his hips are in his ways, so I try to move them--

Aquila seizes my thighs. Staring at me, he cautioned in between pants, "Don't move even a muscle, you little nymph! You wanted this, so sit still. Got it?"

I steadfastly nod my understanding as I watch him in passional silence. With a boyish grins he resumes undressing.

Lightning fast, he discards his garb and undercloth, tossing they carelessly to the floor.

Now, he's completely naked. His blue eyes darkened salaciously as he stares at me, like a beast in heat.

In response, my heart and breathing hitch higher. Unabashed, I trace my fascinated gaze over his nakedness.

His muscular physique, from thick neck to flat navel, appeals to the innocent me
like a sculpture fashioned by the gods.

His well-defined muscles cover his wide shoulders, broad chest, sinewy arms and packed midriff. They look so vigorous and firm that I itch to slowly trace them with my hands and lips, inch by slow inch.

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