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"Hello! my name is Kim Y/N, I'm a new transferee from Korea. Uhm.. I'll be in your care!" You introduced yourself in Japanese.. "Kim Y/N? as in.. Y/N? Korean?" A boy at the back was deep in his thoughts after introducing yourself..

Teacher: Nice to meet you Kim Y/N! You may sit beside Yukio. Yukio please raise your hand!

You then sat beside this guy named Yukio. You were happy cause you sat beside the window. But something was missing.. Or someone.. "Where is he?" You thought to yourself..

"Y/N" A deep but familiar voice interrupted you from behind. "Ah, yes?" you turned back and replied.

"It is her" He thought to himself and smiled. "Oh, never mind. Nothing, you can go back to what you were doing" He said.. "A-oh-, okay" your turned back. "He's weird, but he's familiar.. I'll check later." The first lesson started as the students including you, listen.


"Y/N!" The student in front turned to you ."That's your name right?".. You nodded. "I'm Suzuki Kaori. Nice to meet you!"

Y/N: Nice to meet you too, Suzuki!

Kaori: Oh no, don't need to be formal. Just call me Kaori.

Y/N: Oh, then, nice to meet you too Kaori.

Kaori: The guy beside you is Yukio Ren.

Ren: Nice to meet you, Y/N.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too, Yukio.

Kaori: And the guy behind you aka, the Mr. Tall And Handsome Guy--

The same voice from earlier cut her off. "Nishimura Riki, my name". Your eyes widened as soon as you heard that name. The person you've been longing for.. You immediately stood up and looked at him..

Y/N: No way.. Ni-ki!?

Kaori: You guys know each other?

Ni-ki nodded as he stood up and leaned down to Y/N..

Ni-ki: Long time no see, Y/N.

You gasped happiness, and not just that, also because of his appearance. He's taller than you expected and became more handsome. Also his voice, his voice became deep and captivating.

Y/N: Oh my god- I KNEW IT! NI-KI!!! I MISSED YOU!

You shouted and gave him a warm hug as he giggled and hugged you back.

Kaori: Oh my.. Your boyfriend?

You let go and smiled brightly.

Y/N: My childhood bestfriend.

You turned back to Ni-ki and admired his appearance.

Y/N: Awee, my Ni-ki is all grown up now~ I remembered when I was still the one who carries you on my back.

You pinched his cheeks and pat his head.

Ni-ki: And your still short~

Y/N: At least I grew even a little bit.

Kaori: Aweee~ Childhood besties reunited~

Kaori said as she fake cries while both of you laughed.

Kaori: How many years has it been?

Y/N: Uhm.. 5?

Ni-ki: 6.

Kaori: Woah-

Kaori: And, Ni-ki?

Y/N: It's his nickname. I call him that.

Kaori: Ohh, well I'm happy for the both of you.


"Ni-ki" He turned back to see a classmate, Riina. He was confused. "Ni-ki" She said it again, it made him somewhat, irritated. "Don't call me that" He said before shutting his locker and walked away. But still followed him, "Why? It's your nickname right?" He stopped and glared at her.. "Didn't you hear me? I said don't call me that" That sentence made her scoff as he just walked away.
"Why can she call you that!? Hey!" She just watched him disappear from her sight.. "Kim Y/N.. This is gonna be a little hard, since both of you are close" She thought to her self and went to the classroom.


Riina: Hey

An unfamiliar girl approached you and placed an apple juice on your desk.

Y/N: Hi?

Riina: Miyawaki Riina. Call me whatever you want, I heard you're childhood friends with Riki.

Y/N: Yeah.

Riina: By any chance, do you have any romantic feelings for him?

You were flustered at what she said and shook your head.

Y/N: N-no!

Riina: Hm, okay.

And just like that, she walked away.

Y/N: What was that for? Does she like him? Oh my-


You're putting back your uwabaki in your locker and wore your outdoor shoes. You were waiting for Ni-ki so you could go home with him.

Ni-ki: Y/N!

Y/N: Ni-ki! Let's go to your place, I miss them already

Ni-ki: Yeah, good idea. They probably miss you too.

Ni-ki: Let's go?

Y/N: Hm!


Ni-ki: So, how was it like? Back in Korea?

Y/N: It was good. It's fine, but it's better here. You know, cause it's where I mostly made my childhood memories. With your siblings and you.

Y/N: It was also sad, cause it was lonely, you don't know how much I missed you.

You made him smile~~

Ni-ki: I missed you too you know.

He made you smile~~

Little did you know, he couldn't express how much he missed you. He even cried for a week after you leaving Japan. He felt lonely through the years, as if a piece is missing to complete him.


Y/N: Wow, I missed this place. Wait-

Ni-ki: Hm?

Y/N: The cherry blossom tree there, it's gone.

You said, pointing at the cherry blossom tree's place that was now a pile of leaves.

Ni-ki: Yeah, they removed it. I don't know why.

Y/N: Aw. R.I.P to the tree we used to climb at.

Ni-ki giggled but sad at the same time lmao

Both of you entered the house and left your shoes near the doorway.

Ni-ki: Tadaima~


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