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Y/N: The ice cream tastes really bad.

Ni-ki: Not my fault. You chose that.

Y/N: Can I taste some of yours?

Ni-ki: No way!

Y/N: Pretty please??

You gave him puppy eyes as he rolled his.

Ni-ki: Ugh, okay okay.

Your eyes widened in excitement. You were about to get his ice cream when he extended his arm away from you..

Ni-ki: In one condition. Carry me on your back, on the way home.

Y/N: It's fine, you're small anyways.

You turn your back at him and kneel down.

He then gave his ice cream and humped to your back.

After a while~

Y/N: Aghhh, I'm tired. Here, your home. AUNTY!! NI-KI'S HERE!

He jumped off your back. And went inside.

Y/N: Wow- not even a thank you?

Ni-ki: I gave you my ice cream remember?

Y/N: I had the most effort tho. Hmph!

Ni-ki: But still, I gave you my delicious ice cream. Bleh~


He shut the door, not daring to hear your complaints anymore.


It's now break time. You bring out your bento as well as your other classmates. "Wow, it's been a long time since mom prepared this." you thought..

Kaori: Oh, you brought a bento box. What's inside?

You opened it revealing egg rolls, rice, veggies, meat, sushi, and salmon.

"Wow-" you both muttered

Kaori: Wow, Yukio- can I have shrimp?

Yukio: Sure?

Yukio: Oh, Y/N you want some?

He got the shrimp with chopsticks when a hand stopped him...

Ni-ki: Ren, she's allergic.

Y/N: Oh yeah, forgot about that.

Yukio: Oh sorry.

Ni-ki: Y/N, you would've been a puffy tomato by now if I weren't here.

Y/N: Pft- thanks Ni-ki.

Kaori: Awee sweet~

Ni-ki: Suzuki shut--

Kaori: Sorry Mr. Nishimura, tsk.

"Riki!" A girl shouted behind Yukio. She went to your area and gave Ni-ki lunch.

Kaori: Oh, Ms. Dramatic's here.

Kaori mumbled

Riina: It's for you.

You slightly bumped Ni-ki's shoulder "Oooh~"

Ni-ki: No thanks, I already ate.

Riina: You can have it just in case.

Ni-ki: Miyawaki, stop, please.

He said in an irritated way that made the three of you shocked. It also caught the other students' attention.

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