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Teacher: Who can tell me, what to do when a stranger gives you candy?

You raised your hand

Teacher: Yes... Y/N-chan?

Y/N: Say thank you!

Niki looked at you and laughed. "What?" You whispered..

Teacher: No, but very good for trying, who can tell me the correct answer?

Niki raised his hand as you sat back down.

Teacher: Riki-kun.

Ni-ki: Don't accept and don't talk to them and go to where your parents are.

Teacher: That's correct! Very good Riki-kun!

He sat back down and stick his tongue out. You just held your anger and continued listening to the teacher.

                      -WALKING HOME-

Ni-ki: BAHAHAHA- say thank you?

You pinched his ear.

Ni-ki: O-ow

Y/N: Shut up. They're giving you candy, aren't you supposed to say "thank you"?

Ni-ki: Idiot, that question's so common, even kids younger than us can answer that correctly.

Y/N: I'll tell you to aunty! Hmph.

Ni-ki: Tell what? Then tell her, you ugly head!


Y/N: My parents are sleeping in the other room.

You said, still lying down with your eyes closed.

He got flustered so it took a while for him to lie down beside you.

Y/N: I have no extra pillow and I know you can't sleep without cuddling anything.. Or do you not need it anymore? But if you still do, you can cuddle me.

Oh shoot, was that too straightforward—

He got even flustered when you said that. He wasn't prepared to do it, since these kind of stuff isn't normal for the both of you now.

"Yeah, she's right, I still have that habit of mine."

Y/N: Hello?

Without even thinking, he wrapped his legs and arms around you like a big koala. "Don't complain, just sleep.. Good night.." He whispered.

You didn't expect to be so flustered. It's like, butterflies started forming in your stomach. You thought it'll feel normal for you, with him doing this.
But no, it now feels different.

Y/N: G-goodnight..


You woke up, still in his arms and legs. You wanted to get up but you didn't want to wake him up, he hates getting woken up.

So you just stay right there and waited for him to wake up.


He yawned and turned to the other side that made you free from his arms.

Ni-ki: Good morning~

Y/N: Morning.

You finally got up and went straight to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

After heading out of the bathroom, Ni-ki came in next.

Y/N: Breakfast is downstairs!

He just hummed in response while washing his face.


Mom: Y/N, me and your dad will be going somewhere.

Y/N: Where?

Mom: Just some business.

Mom: Y/N, don't do anything stupid okay? And take care of Riki.

Y/N: Yeah yeah.

Mom: We'll be off now.. Bye Riki!

Ni-ki: Bye aunty!


"Senpai, I.. I like you! Please go out with me!"

Y/N: Jeez Ichika, that confession was fast—

Ni-ki: Can we change it??

Ni-ki sulked, watching the same show you're watching.

Y/N: Nope

Ni-ki: It's soo boring. It's just a girl confessing to her senior. Like, who watches those useless stuff?

Y/N: Shhhhh. Anyways, do you guys confess to your crush like that?

Ni-ki: I don't know. But pretty sure I won't do that.

Ni-ki: Why do you want me to confess to you like. "I like you Y/N, please go out with me.!"

Y/N: Ah- w-what?

Ni-ki: Ew~ don't misunderstand, it's was just an example idiot. Give me the remote, let's watch something else.

"Confess to me? What? Did I hear that right?"

You let him get the remote as he watched a horror movie in Netflix.

Y/N: What's the name of your crush? Is it the popular girl in class B? The Hitomi girl?

Ni-ki: Nah.

Since the topic changed to this, he thought it was a chance for him to say it.

Ni-ki: Kim Y/N, her name. She's from class A.

You choked on your saliva when you heard the next sentence.

Y/N: M-me?

Ni-ki: Who else in Japan is Kim Y/N?

He paused the T.V and sat up straight to face you.

He looked down and bit his lower lip. He did regret saying this very soon, but at the same time he doesn't. He's glad that he said his true feelings for you.

Ni-ki: I like you, Y/N.

You didn't want to stutter so you said all the things in your head.

Y/N: Ni-ki, I'm sorry... I just don't feel the same way.

You see him as a best friend and nothing more. He did make your heart flutter, but for you it didn't change anything. You still treasure him and see him as the best friend ever.

It hurt him when you responded. But he knew that.

Ni-ki: I know that. I was scared that it might ruin our friendship. But let's stay as best friends at least?

You felt really bad for him and can't bare him feeling like that, so you thought of giving him a chance.

Y/N: Do you wanna try going out together?

                     {TO BE CONTINUED}

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