Chapter 1

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A/N So this is my first story. Please let me know how it is please. And any advice.

Will P.O.V.

     I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groan internally, I hate Mondays, I think as a reach over and turn off my alarm. I close my eyes again and just wish I could sleep just a little longer, mabye 10 minutes. I was just about to fall asleep again when a fell something land right on my gut."uugghh, Isaiah get off please." I complain to my 7 year old brother. "Time to get up for school silly." He says while giggling and sending me a beaming smile. "OK, I'll get up but you have to get off first." I say with a growing smile. He is so adorable there's no way I can ever be upset with him. Even if he wakes me up by jumping on me.

          "Better hurry, mommy is waitin. He says will running out of my room. I groan out loud this time and slowly take off the covers and feel the cold of the world and I shiver. I walk to my bathroom and shut and lock the door behind me. I take a quick shower and the steaming hot water felt so nice and I wish I could of stayed in longer. I get dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a peach colored T-shirt. Today I just feel lazy and lazy I will look, without looking bad. I brush my teeth and put on deodorant. And finally before leaving my bathroom I style my hair into a messy spike. I walk out of my bathroom and walk downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

        I can Isaiah talking before I walk in. Its only his second year of school and he's still exited for the school day. Its only the second week of school and I'm already tired of school. When I actually enter the kitchen I see him sitting at the island at the middle of the kitchen eating chocolate chip pancakes. I smile at the goofy face he has while stuffing the pancake's in his mouth. I see my mother at the other side of the kitchen and she has a troubled face as she comes over and sets my breakfast down by Isaiah. "What's wrong?" I ask before she walks away. "Nothing honey, she says while putting on a strained smile. I decide to let it go but I'm pretty sure I know what's wrong. " Hey, bubby what grade are you again?" Isaiah asks me with a small smile. "I'm in 12th grade ,why?" I ask with a hint of concern. Last year he was bullied by some of the bigger boys because of his always outgoing and bright attitude. "No reason," he says quickly. "Ya sure?" I ask for a last time and hope he tells the truth. " Well one of the same boys from last year's class are in my class this year and he is being a meanie again." He says with a sad face which breaks my heart to a million pieces. " And I'm going to tell him today if he does not stop being a meanie my 12th grade big brother is  going to beat the meanness out of you, so we can be friends.' He Finish's with a mischievous smile. I smile at him and let out a low chuckle. "Well, I guess you can try that but be polite about it, OK?" I question. "Ok will, he responds.

        We finish the rest of our breakfast in silence while mom cleans up after her cooking. Then me and my brother give mom our dishes to clean. As I give her mine I say thanks and give her a small kiss on the cheek. I go to the living room to get my backpack and then go to the door and I put on my vans. " You ready to go buddy? " I ask Isaiah. "Yep," he responds with enthusiasm. We walk outside and over to my car. He gets into the back seat, while I take my seat behind the wheel. I turn my keys and start my car. I pull out of the driveway and start going to Isaiah's school. It only takes a short 5 minutes to get to his school. "Bye buddy, and have a good day at school." I tell tell Isaiah with a smile. "Bye bubby!" He says with a big smile while getting out of the car. I watch him walk up to his school to make sure he's safe before I make my way to school.

       The drive to the highschool is a short and quite one. In about 10 minutes I park and turn off my car. I take out my phone and see its 7:40. I still had 20 minutes of free time before first block. I open my door and get out of my car, and lock the doors before I start walking towards the school. When I got to the main doors I saw my best friends Cole and Mandy waiting for me at the door as always. "Hey guys." I say to get there attention. "Hey will ! " they  chorus and wave to me to come over to them. When I get over there Mandy gives me a hug in greeting and Cole just says hi. We all walk into the school to begin our second Monday. "So what's your 1st block again will?" Mandy asks. "Band like like the past 3 years!" I exclaim with a laugh. "OK got it, well I have american history." She replies. "What about you will?" I ask. "Uuummm Bio 2," he says. The 10 minute bell rings and we say our goodbye's and head to our respective classes. The band room is near the front of the school so it only takes me a minute to get I to class. When I walk in there are already some people sitting down and warming up.

         I go to my band locker and put down my stuff by/in my locker and get my trumpet out to play. I walk over to my seat which is the 4th chair. I sit down and put my music on my stand. I get out Sky Dance and Night On Fire. Then I warm-up until class starts. We spend a few minutes tunning and scales then we play sky dance first. It is such a nice and beautiful piece but at the same time it is dark. Then we go to Night on fire of fun times. 212 beats per minute and 3 pages of complete awesomeness and suffering. Then at last to my suprise and joy we get out Song for Lyndsey. It is such a beautiful piece of music. But in one of our run throughs I get lost in the music and the director cuts off the band. Of course me not paying attention kept playing for 2 measures before I noticed. I immediately stop playing and turn beat red. The entire band starts laughing. "Nice solo will but I don't think it was supposed to be there." My director says. The bell rings and I put away my music and trumpet away quickly and start off for my second block which is French 3. Yay. As I walk through the hallway I hear the name Eric being passed around a lot and I wonder why? Oh well I will just ask Mandy when I get to class. When I walk into my french class Mandy is already sitting in her seat, so I walk over to my seat which is right in front of hers. Now to figure out more about this Eric.


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