Chapter 2

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A/N picture of will above.

I walk into my second block and go sit down. I put down my backpack quickly and pull out my binder for this class and a pencil. Then I turn around to talk to Mandy. "So who is this Eric I have been hearing people talking about?" I ask her. "He's a new student that just moved down here from California." She tells me. "What grade is he in?" I respond. "He's in the same grade as us, a senior. Interesting I think to myself. I was about to ask another question, but the tardy bell rang and the teacher called for the class to be quiet and pay attention. My French teacher is really nice but she always gives her quizzes on Mondays and I never do well on them because who wants to study on the weekend.

The entire class is filled with the quiz and reviewing over things from the past years. Which is complete hell. I hardly remember anything,but as the class continues I remember more and more. The bell rings and I put all my things back into my backpack. I walk to the door and am joined by Mandy. " OMG!! That was awful!! " she exclaims loudly so everyone could hear her. I laugh with her and everyone looks at us like we are freaks but I don't care anymore. I got used to that when I came out that I'm gay. I figured people would just not care, but I was proved wrong about that pretty soon. I was pushed against lockers in the hallway and called all the dirty names you could think of. And then there was the incident that changed me about being so proud. I get pulled out of thoughts when I bump into someone and fall flat ony ass. The guy that pushed me down yelled "FAG!!" I just sigh and start picking up my things I droped, which is hard because the hallway is full of people kicking my things before I can get to them. By the time I get all my things back and put away. I have less than a minute to get to my class. Which is on the other side of the school. OMG why are people so rude just because I like the same sex as me?? I was only half way to my next class when the bell rang. I only make it a few more feet before a teacher catch's me. With a grumble I follow him to the office to fill out a tardy pass. Along with a few other stiludents. Then I get a late pass and start of to geometry.

When I walk in class had already started. It quickly take my seat and get out my calculator and pencil. The teacher never stopped teaching when I walked in. We go through some new notes and then we get a worksheet to work on for the last 5 minutes of class ,that is due the next day. As soon as I get the worksheet I put it away along with all my stuff and get out my phone. I see I got a text from Mandy. So he is in my 3ed hour class and he's cute. Oookkkk that's nice I guess. I text back. I mean he's only just another hot guy I will not be able to be with. I think glumly. The bell rings and I walk out of class. My 4th block is ceramics, so its easy and goes by pretty fast. When the bell rings I make my way to the lunchroom. When I get in there Mandy and Cole are waiting for me at our usual table. "Come on slow poke. We will have to wait an eternity in line if you don't hurry." Mandy says while pulling me and Cole to the line. I cant resist a laugh because of the way she is acting.

Even though she was in a big rush. It was for no reason because we are one of the first people in the lunchroom. We get through the line in a minute. Today for lunch is mystery meat sandwich, strawberries, French fries, which aren't that bad, and a chocolate milk. We sit down and Mandy of course starts a conversation immediately. "So how have your guys day been?" She asks me and Cole. Come answers first. "Its been good
I have football tryouts today after school." He said. "Good luck, I hope you make it!" She replied. "Thanks." Then she looks at me. Oh no I'm going to die. "How about you?" She tells me with a evil smile on her face. "Well.... It's been OK I guess." I say hoping she would drop it but she didn't. "Whats wrong?" She says not completely serious. I swear she is like a mother with me. A very protective one at that. "I just got pushed down in the hall and called a fag. And was tardy because of it." I tell her. Her face goes dark and I swear she is going to explode. " It's nothing really. I'm used to it by now." I try to make it seem lime nothing so she would calm down but it didn't help at all. "NO" she almost shouts. "You should not be OK with jerks like that." She says with every word laced with venom. " Who was it?" she asks. "I don't know just some random jerk in the hall." I reply. "Are you lying, you don't have to protect him. You don't have to be scared either because I will beat the crap out of anyone who hurts you." She informs me. "I really don't know him." I tell her again. "Well.. OK" she says. I sigh in relief. We all sit there quietly eating out food. Then all of a sudden Mandy's face brightens. Oh boy "So you guys know the new guy, Eric." She says. "Ya, he's pretty cool he is trying out for the football team with me today after school." Cole replies. "Well I invited him to eat lunch with us because he has the same lunch period as us" she says happily. "So look behind you" she tells us and when I do. I swear the entire world stops and my heart starts beating 1000 beats per minute.

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