Same Time Tomorrow?

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Cold raindrops pounded against the cafe's windows. Joseph Joestar was cleaning the counters, ready to close up for the day. Suddenly, the doors burst open when a blonde man rushed in. He was totally drenched, his face flushed, as he huffed.

Joseph chuckled, "Are you alright?"

The man shook his head before finally gathering his composure. "Y-yes, I just really need a coffee."

Joseph went over to the register giving his biggest customer-service smile, "What would you like Uhm-"

"Caesar... and I would like a small cappuccino, please!"

"Coming right up!" Joseph exclaimed, turning around to make it.

"Aren't you going to ring me up?"

Joseph examined Caesar, who looked like a wet cat. His blonde hair was a mess, and his clothes were the same. He wore a long pink scarf matched with a bluish-grey jacket. He had strange pink markings under his eyes. Were they birthmarks or make-up? Whatever it was, it made him look charming and a bit mysterious.

Joseph mumbled, "You look like you've had a bad day so... it's on the house!"

"Are you sure?! I'm more than happy to pay!"

"It's fine! Trust me Caesarino!"

Caesar laughed at the nickname given by Joseph. "I'll at least get a pastry! Feels like a crime if I don't pay for SOMETHING!" He paused looking at Joseph's name tag, "Thank you Jojo?"

"Joesph! That's just a silly name my co-workers gave me..."

"It's not silly... sounds adorable actually." 

His face flushed as he quickly turned and looked down at the register, making the transaction for Caesar who paid swiftly. He made his way over to a table and sat, taking off his jacket, and letting himself dry. Joseph finished making his cappuccino and pastry, bringing it over to the blonde.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked.

"Not at all!" Caesar replied, pushing the chair out that was opposite him for the brunette.

Jojo sat down with him and began to ask about Caesar's life. He didn't mind though. Caesar enjoyed the attention. He would rather be bombarded with silly questions than stuck outside in the rain alone. They continued chatting for a while until Joseph heard a beeping sound. He pulled out his phone realizing it was ten minutes before closing. He nervously fiddled with his apron before deciding to speak.

"I need to close up shop soon..."

Caesar got the hint and got up. Throwing away his empty cup and paper plate. He approached the door apprehensively, not wanting to be soaked again by the cold rain.

Jojo noticed this and said, "If you want I can walk you to your car! I have a spare umbrella."

"That would be nice."

He hurried off to the backroom and retrieved said umbrella. He smiled when he returned and saw Caesar had waited. The two boys walked outside into the cool nighttime air. Caesar pointed to a white car saying that it was his. He waved goodbye to Joojo and quickly slipped a napkin into his hand, telling him to read in once he was inside again. Joseph nodded and walked back to the cafe.

He unfolded the napkin and read the note.

Thanks for the coffee and company... I don't normally say this, but you're quite attractive! Same time tomorrow? 

-Caesar A. Zeppeli 

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