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Sam: Santhosh?!

Siv: Ama Sam!!!

Sam: Cheri yaaru athu?

Siv: Av... Avan en past Sam!!!!

Sam: What?

Siv: He is my damn past Sam!!!!!!!

She burst out into tears!! Her words are stammering!! Her whole body is shivering!! He just looked at her in shock!! His eyes are moist seeing her like this!! He just hugged her!! She hugged him back tightly by burying her face on his hard chest!! He caressed her hair and whispered sweet nothing's in her ears!!

Sam: Si.. Sivaangi!!

Siv: ......!

Sam: Pappa!! Enna paaru ma!!

She finally looked at him!! He wiped away her tears!! He give a long kiss on her forehead!! For a minute, his lips is on her forehead!! She felt all safe in his embrace!!
He hold her hand tightly!!

Sam: Sollu da!!

Siv: Santhosh Sam!!


Sivaangi Is sharing the flashback to Sam!

Sivaangi POV

This final year is becoming more and more hectic!! And, to add a spices it comes the Culturals!! An Inter College Culturals!! And, I've busy preparing for that cultural event and I've already selected the songs! And, then with our band mates I started rehearsing!!!

It's just an hour before the competition!! I was all set for the competition!! I did the final sound check!! My band was all set!! We were called upon to the stage!! And, the spotlight is on Me!! I took a long breath and started to sing "MINSARA KANNA" song!! The whole auditorium was in pin drop silence!! They looked me with their wide eyes!! after I completed my singing I got a loud round of applause!! The whole auditorium were shouting saying my name!! I just bowed my head and thanked everyone! I come down and sat on my reserved place!! Everyone completed their singing!! And, it's time for the results!!

Judge 1: For the first time, I stood rooted searching for the words!!

Judge 2: Yes!! And, everyone really singed beautifully!! But, picking the Best out of the Best is really tough for us!!

Judge 1: So, here the first prize goes to!!!

Anchor: Sir!! Can we start the countdown!
So, let's hear it from 10!!

Everyone started to shout!!!











Here, and the Winner is,

Judge 1&2: Miss. Sivaangi!!!

All shouted my name!! I along with my bandmates went to the stage and we grabbed our prices!! It was a surreal moment for me as well as my band.

Judge 1: So, it's time for the runner up!

Judge 2: It's none other than Santhosh!! 

He smiled and came to the stage!! They received their prizes! Suddenly, he extended his hand to me!! I handshaked with him!! A sudden spark went through my body!! I left his hand and went down!! The competition ended like that!! It started to rain heavily!! I slowly walked outside the auditorium and wait for the rain to stop.

KAARKUZHAL KANMANI❤️💙 (COMPLETED!!✔️)Where stories live. Discover now